Chapter 14: Facing The Dragon

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The next morning, we prepared to leave for Erebor. As we made our way through the crowd towards our barge, Bilbo spoke up. "You do know we're one short? Where's Bofur?"

"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Thorin mentioned.

"We'll have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall." Balin agreed. "We can risk no more delays."

As soon as we reached the docks, we climbed onto the barge. However Thorin stopped Kili by placing a hand on his chest. "Not you. We must travel at speed, you will slow us down."

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili insisted.

Thorin shook his head. "No, no."

"I'm going to be there when that door's opened. When we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin..." Kili urged.

Thorin placed a hand on Kili's shoulder. "Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed."

Kili looked devastated as Thorin turned away from him to board the barge. Poor Kili, it meant so much to him to be with us. Reluctantly, Kili walked off, sitting not too far away from us. Óin then climbed out of the barge. "I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded."

We watched as Óin joined Kili, taking a look at him. I couldn't help but feel bad. Wanting to help, I turned towards the others. "I'm staying behind with Óin and Kili."

Upon hearing my words, Hithaerdes stood up, prepared to leave. But Thorin gently placed an arm around her wrist. "No Hithaerdes, you belong with me...I mean the company."

"But I wish to be with my sister." Hithaerdes mentioned.

I mentally groaned upon hearing her use the word sister, but I ignored it for now. I placed a hand on Hithaerdes' shoulder. "Hithaerdes, you go on with the company. I shall be all right."

"Are you sure?" Neil inquired, looking worried.

"Yes, you guys go on. I'll catch up with you later. I want to help out Kili, he looks so bummed out." I commented.

"We'll see you later. Just don't take too long." Percy teased.

"Don't worry, I will be back before you know it." I assured them.

Storm nudged my hand, giving me a sad look. I placed my hand on her head. "I'll be fine, Storm. Look after Hithaerdes and the others for me."

With that, I left to join Kili and Óin. Not long after I joined them, Fili made his way towards us. At that moment, we heard trumpets followed by the Master's speech. Once he was done with his speech, the barge took off, making their way to Erebor. The crowd cheered. We then saw Bofur running towards the dock as he shouted. "No!"

"Bofur?" I called out.

He turned around to see us. And he was rather baffled to see us.

"Did you miss the boat as well?" Bofur asked.

However before anyone could respond, Kili looked as though he was about to pass out. Fili immediately wrapped an around him, looking worried. "Kili? Kili!"

"We have to get some help." I advised.

With this in mind, we rushed Kili towards the Master's house. Just as Alfrid and the Master were about to enter the Master's home, Fili stopped them. "Please, wait! Please! We need your help, my brother is sick!"

The Master looked horrified at his words. "Sick? is it infectious? Get back! Alfrid, get them back!"

"Please, we need medicine." Óin urged.

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