Chapter 2: Middle-Earth

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Gandalf then slammed his staff onto the ground. The ground spun around, causing us to tumble to the ground. Once we stood up, we were no longer in Camp Jupiter. I looked around in awe. There were luscious green grass that ran for miles, small door holes with plants surrounding it, a beautiful blue pristine lake, and the warm sun that lowering behind the hills. As I turned around, I noticed several men and women, who were all rather short, walking around.

They were around two to four feet with slightly pointed ears and they had no shoes, showing off their giant furry feet. The females wore dresses, while the males wore tunics under vests and coats over the vests along with shorts. I raised an eyebrow. "Who are they?"

"They are hobbits." Gandalf clarified. "They reside in the Shire."

I watched as some of them stared at us, rather baffled. I don't blame them. We didn't exactly dress up to fit in. I was dressed in Roman armor with my Camp Jupiter shirt underneath along with a white tunic that ended a few inches above knees, over my purple shirt which was held together with my weapons' belt and a cloak clasped to my back, gray skinny jeans, and dark brown boots. Meanwhile, Percy had his orange Camp Half-Blood shirt under his Greek armor along with jeans and shoes. Neil had his green Hotel Valhalla on with armor on, his green shield with runes on his back, brown pants, a belt around his waist, which held his axe and sword, and black converses. Neil and Percy carried backpacks, while I had type of messenger bag that I hung around my shoulder. 

Neil was the one of the few Norse demigods that who was offered immortality, which was the reason he could leave Hotel Valhalla and be seen by demigods and mortals. Neil sometimes wondered if I was immortal because I had not aged since 1991, which surprisingly was the farthest back I could go before my memories were blurred. 

"Now come, we must've be late." Gandalf mentioned before any of us could say anything.

I raised an eyebrow. "Late?"

"What are we late for?" Percy asked.

"The meeting with the entire company." Gandalf explained.

"Wait, I thought it was just the four of us." I mentioned, rather baffled. Thingol and Blackjack let out a snort, while Storm let out a growl, reminding me they were with us. "Sorry I meant seven of us."

Gandalf wore a sheepish smile. "I may have left out a few minor details."

Percy scoffed. "Minor, huh?"

As Gandalf explained that we were meeting thirteen dwarves at a hobbit's home, the sun had set and night was upon us. We reached a door with a decorated front porch. There were several small men, who Gandalf told us were some of the dwarves, all squashed up together as they rang the door bell. I could hear a loud angry voice. "Oh, no! No, no. There's nobody home! Go away, and bother somebody else! There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some blockhead's idea of a joke, I can only say, it is in very poor taste!"

As soon as the door opened, all the dwarves fell through the door. Gandalf crouched his head and I followed his lead to see a small hobbit with an annoyed look on his face. He let out a sigh as soon as he saw Gandalf. "Gandalf."


Percy and I left Blackjack, Thingol, and Storm outside, while we entered with Neil and Gandalf. The four of us had to crouch in order to enter. This place was not made for humans or demigods. As soon as we entered, Gandalf introduced Neil, Percy, and me to the hobbit.

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