Chapter 9: Beorn

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When I woke up, I noticed I was no longer in Beorn's home. Instead I was standing on a hill, looking out at a destroyed valley. I felt goosebumps before I heard a familiar chilling voice.

"You cannot stop what's coming, child. This time you shall fail. No prophecy shall save you this time."

I turned around to see Gaea with a cloak of black dirt, a veil made of dust, and forest-green robes with flecks of gold and white. She had a chilling smile, yet her eyes were closed as she faced me.

"You will die at my hands, daughter of Neptune."

I woke up, gasping. Neil, Percy, and Storm were at my side at once. I glanced around to see I was back in the stables. I still felt anxious though. Despite it being a dream, that might be a vision. And I hadn't had visions since we defeated Gaea.

"Are you all right?" Neil inquired.

"I saw Gaea..." I trailed off.

"It can't be. We defeated Gaea." Percy reminded me.

"We managed to scatter her essence, but she isn't dead. No one, not even Hermes or Nico know if the effects of scattering are permanent." I explained.

"So are you saying that there's a possibility that she's...alive?" Percy questioned.

I hesitated. "There's might be a chance, but let's not tell the others until we're completely sure about this."

Percy and Neil nodded. I then saw Hithaerdes, sitting near by us. She watched us with a hesitant look on her face. I knew she wanted to join us, but she respected my space. I knew I had been tough on her, and the poor thing was so determined on finding her sister.

"Hithaerdes, why don't you join us?" I suggested.

Her eyes lit up. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's all right. Besides I wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted with you."

Once Hithaerdes sat beside me, she waved a hand as if to dismiss it. "It's nothing, Malia."

"I just don't like to talk about my past. It's something I don't remember." I explained. "The first thing I remember is arrived at Neil's family. I can't even recall how I got there."

"Perhaps our father intervened. He always did care for us, Malia." Hithaerdes commented.

What did she mean by that? Before I could say anything, the others had woken up. And once they were up, Gandalf led us to the opening of the stables. We noticed Beorn outside, cutting up with wood with an axe.

"I shall go and talk Beorn. Bilbo, Malia, Hithaerdes, Percy and Neil, you come with me." Gandalf mentioned.

"And what of us?" Thorin asked.

"I shall give you a signal, indicating when you can come out. However come in pairs..." Gandalf mentioned. However once he noticed Bombur, he hastily added. "...Except for you Bombur. You count as two dwarves. This requires delicate handling. You must not startle him, the last person to do so was torn to shreds. Very well, let's go."

With that we walked towards Beorn. Beorn was rather tall, even taller than Gandalf and me. However I was not intimidated. I had met and battled giants, gigantes, and Titans much taller than Beorn.

"You're nervous." Bilbo commented.

Gandalf furrowed his brows. "Nervous? Me? That's absurd."

I then saw him flinch when Beorn cut up another piece of wood, breaking it in half. Percy snickered. "Right..."

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