Chapter 11: Feast of Starlight

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The next day arrived rather quickly. An female elf servant arrived at my room. She gave me a curtsy before greeting me. "Good afternoon, your highness. I'm here to help you prepare for the feast."

My jaw dropped. Your highness? Storm then growled at her, making the servant gasp. I immediately intervened before anything bad could happen. "Storm don't. She's a friend."

At my words, Storm stopped growling. Storm then hopped on the bed, but kept her eyes on the servant as she approached me. She then helped me into a beautiful sea blue dress with pearls in the design of stars across the dress. My hair was pulled back in several braids with a silver circlet. Once she was finished, the servant escorted Storm and me to the chambers where the feast would take place. The chambers had a table off to the side with several elves in elegant dresses and clothing dancing in the middle of the room.

It wasn't long until I found Hithaerdes, Neil, and Percy. Hithaerdes wore a rose gold dress with sequin stars across the waist of her dress. Neil and Percy both wore elegant suits like the rest of the male elves. I could tell Neil felt uncomfortable in such clothing. He always preferred a T-shirt, jeans, and running shoes. 

"Listen the dwarves are still stuck in the cells. We need to help them." Percy advised.

"And we will." I assured him. 

At that moment, Thranduil saw us and spoke to the entire crowd in the room. "Our guests have arrived, now may the feast begin."

"On second thought, why not help them after dinner?" Neil suggested.  

Percy glared at Neil, causing him to shrug. "What? It would be rude to refuse their meal."

"Neil's right. We can't leave now. They'll suspect something." Hithaerdes agreed. 

Percy and I were both baffled that she took Neil's side, but part of me knew she was right. Besides I knew she still wanted to help the company out. After all, I knew she had a crush on Thorin, which she refused to speak of. Any time I asked her what was going on between her and Thorin, she'd always blush, but inform me they were just friends. After we ate, the elves began to dance. And as the dancing began, we took the opportunity to slip away from the room. Fortunately there were so many people that no one noticed us gone. The five of us walked through countless hallways. We changed our clothing, grabbed our weapons and other belongings before making our way to the cells.

"How do we know we're going the right way?" Neil inquired. 

Before any one of us could reply, we ran into Kili, Bilbo, and the other dwarves. In Bilbo's hands were the keys. I was rather shocked. How did Bilbo get the keys to the cells? The company was just as surprised to see us.

"Does that answer your question?" Percy retorted. 

Neil glared at Percy, but remained silent. Thorin rushed over towards Hithaerdes. He gently placed his hands over her shoulders. Oh they are definitely in love with each other. 

"Are you all right?" Thorin asked. 

Hithaerdes nodded. "Yes, I'm all right."

"We're also fine, thanks for asking." Neil commented. 

Thorin narrowed his eyes at Neil, but I then quickly intervened. "We came to help."  

"And I have a plan. Down here, follow me! Come on!" Bilbo advised. 

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