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chapter one

on theodore decker's sixteenth birthday, he felt like his whole world had come crashing down.

now, some would say that theo was being a little bit dramatic about this – but it was truly how he felt all over. a day which was supposed to be filled with even the slightest bit of joy that he could've acquired, was instead consumed in misery.

it all started when theo arrived at school on a stinking hot thursday morning – his mood already at a low. his father had forgotten his birthday. not that theo was surprised. besides, his father wasn't the person he was looking to spend his birthday with.

as the blonde boy opens his locker to retrieve his english books, his ears pick up someone shouting at the end of the hall. peeking over his locker door, he finds a smile spreading over his face as he locates the loud mouth.

"potter!" theo's best friend, boris, calls out from the other side of the room. "potter!"

his russian friend comes running up to him, tackling him into a tight embrace – making theo drop his books on to the floor.

"oh, potter. such a klutz!" boris exclaims, pulling away and reaching down to retrieve his books. "is a great day today, no? a very special day for a very special someone."

theo feels his cheeks heating up as he takes his books from boris' hands, their fingers brushing past one another's. "it's not that special."

"i call bullshit! is your birthday, potter! happy birthday, my friend!" the other boy says with energy, giving him a ruffle on the head.

"thanks." theo replies with a small smile, as he shuts his locker.

"i will give you your present later, yes?"

the two boys make their way to their first class of the day – english. theo's favourite.

as they take their seats, boris leans over his desk to whisper into the blonde's ear. "potter. i have very important news to share with you."

theo looks over his shoulder to stare straight into his best friend's dark eyes. "what's up?"

"something crazy happened last night. out of the blue. no idea how or why it happened. but it did." boris tells him mischievously.

the shorter boy notices the teacher walk into the room, his eyebrows furrowing. "tell me at lunch."

"no! is important!"

"then what the hell is it?" theo whispers, hearing the teacher beginning to talk.

boris looks his friend deep in the eyes as a wide grin appears on his face. "i have a girlfriend."

suddenly, theo's surroundings disappear. he stares back at boris like he's a frozen image. the teacher's voice is intelligible. he can feel his heart in the pit of his stomach.

"mr decker? may i have your attention, please?"

the blonde quickly turns to face the front, giving the teacher a firm nod.

he exhales sharply – not realising he was holding his breath. boris? has a girlfriend? theo suddenly remembers he didn't give his friend a reply – briefly turning around to give him a thumbs up in panic.

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