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chapter twenty

a couple of hours later with a bottle of vodka finished, theo and boris were stuck in a fit of giggles – both leaned over their table while gripping on to one another.

they found a fancy restaurant downtown, and had both ordered the most expensive meals on the menu. not for any reason – just because they could.

it wasn't hard to see that the two boys were intoxicated – the alcohol making them more giddy with every single drop.

"i still cannot believe that you said that right to her face! and then when you pulled me out of the house, i swear to fucking god – every single person was looking at us." boris exclaims through his laughter, referencing back to one of the only parties they went to.

"she deserved it! i wasn't just gonna stand there and let her talk shit to me." theo replies with a chuckle.

"i would have given her a slap if you let me," the brunette admits. "i mean, i would have done anything for you back then. shit, i still would."

theo's laughter slowly fades as he glances up at his old friend, his eyes softening as he feels a smile stretch out on his face.

"me too." he says quietly, placing his hand on top of boris'.

the russian boy looks down at their hands briefly, before glancing back up to say something. but before he can – a waiter approaches their table and places down the check.

theo moves back, his head spinning as he stares at the check, going to retrieve his wallet from his pocket. however, he soon realises that he forgot his wallet, and doesn't have any other form of money on him.

"shit, i don't have my card or any cash." the blonde whispers, his face turning white.

"neither do i. doesn't matter, though." boris causally tells him, earning a confused look.

"what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

before he can get a response, the brunette grabs his friend's hand and pulls him out of his chair – rushing to the front door.

they burst out of the restaurant and start running down the sidewalk – both too drunk to be worried about the situation. as they hear a yell from behind them, boris quickly drags theo into an alleyway beside them and pushes him against the wall.

the brunette holds his finger to his lips as the other boy tries to hold back his laughter. a small chuckle comes out, making boris have to cover the blonde's mouth with his hand.

theo instantly stops laughing, realising how close his friend was to him. he could almost feel boris' heartbeat linking up with his own.

once it gets quiet, the russian boy steps back – looking down to see their hands still locked together. he glances back up at theo, who just shrugs and smiles.

their hands fall, and they continue to walk down the street, only just noticing how cold it was. boris takes a couple of cigarettes out of his pocket, offering one to the other boy.

"you got a lighter?" the brunette asks, making theo nod and pull one out of his jacket pocket.

he passes it to the boy, soon realising that it wasn't just an ordinary lighter – it was his lucky lighter. the one that boris gave him on his sixteenth birthday.

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