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chapter fifteen
seven years later

fake smiles became too regular for theodore decker. he found himself doing them almost every day. and most of the time – he didn't even realise he was doing it.

the now-24-year-old rarely felt anything these days. when he wasn't shut in his own room for days on end, he relied on pills and other drugs to get him through the day. sure, he had his good moments every now and then – but not often.

he had been living at hobie's ever since he arrived back in new york, glad to be reunited with his old friends. but ever since he got there – he always felt like something was missing.

"thank you, have a good day." the blonde tells a customer as they leave with a purchase, accompanied with a forced smile. it immediately drops once they leave the shop.

when theo turned nineteen, he decided to start working with hobie. it was only part time at first, since he was also studying at college. but after he graduated – he started working full time. hobie restored antiques, which theo then sold to their customers. it wasn't exactly what he was expecting on doing for a career, but he enjoyed it enough, and was more than happy to help hobie with his business.

as he places some cash into the register, the sound of footsteps appear from in front of him. he looks up, noticing hobie walk into the room.

"think we might close early today. you've been working hard lately," the old man says. "good sale?"

"yeah. made a new client, too. said she'll come back to buy some more later this month." theo replies, stepping out from behind the counter.

"excellent. will you be here for dinner tonight?" hobie asks, making the boy let out a sigh.

"no. kitsey's having some friends over and wanted me to come."

the older man chuckles, giving him a grin. "you sure sound excited about that."

"wish me luck." the blonde mumbles, flashing him a smile before grabbing his coat to put on.

he receives a pat on the shoulder before opening the front door, stepping out into the cold.

theo's teeth begin to chatter as he starts walking down the street, crossing his arms tightly to try and keep the warmth in.

he was on his way to his dealer's place, desperately needing a top up. the boy couldn't help but feel guilty every time he went. he was trying to quit – limiting his doses and trying to take less and less every time. but it was hard.

theo wasn't happy. he hadn't been for years. if he was being honest – pippa and hobie were the only people that kept him going. and at first, his fiancé – kitsey, was one of those people too. but not recently.

as the blonde walks down the busy streets of new york, he bumps shoulders with the occasional person. he always said sorry, but rarely got it back. not like it was expected in the city.

however, one collision with another sent their phone falling to the ground – smashing the screen on impact. theo stops in his tracks, guilt filling him as he stares at the broken phone. he watches as a girl reaches down to pick it up.

"oh god, i'm – i'm so sorry," he tells her, reaching into his pocket to grab his wallet. "here, let me give you some cash for the–"

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