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chapter eleven

the blonde awoke the next morning, struggling to open his eyes. light from outside poured into the room, making him cast a shadow over his eyes with his arm.

it took him a minute or so to realise that he wasn't in his own room – especially when he feels a warm presence from beside him.

theo glances over to see boris sleeping peacefully, his forehead resting against the boy's shoulder. the previous night flashes through theo's mind, his heart leaping as he thinks of the kiss shared between him and the brunette. once they headed inside, they decided on watching a movie in boris' room with a bottle of vodka. however, they didn't watch that much of it. they were both so exhausted that they fell asleep in each other's arms.

the boy finds himself smiling as he watches boris sleep, studying the freckles spotted around his face. his eyes glance down to the russian boy's pink lips, remembering how nice they felt on his own.

he couldn't tell whether he was looking at him for five, or even twenty minutes. time didn't exist in that moment. nothing else existed in that moment. it was just boris.

however, theo's moment of admiration is cut off when he sees the other boy's eyes flicker open, soon glancing up at him.

"good morning." boris croaks out, his lips stretching out into a grin.

"more like good afternoon." the blonde chuckles, gesturing the clock beside them, which reads 1:15pm.

boris scoffs, sitting up and letting out a yawn. he turns around and looks at the boy, raising an eyebrow. "were you watching me sleep?"

"what – no. why would i – no." theo stutters, also sitting up as his cheeks turn red.

the brunette lets out a loud laugh, giving him a light shove. "you so were. that's cute."

"fuck off."

the two stare at each other for a moment, before bursting out into laughter. theo grabs a pillow from beside him and hits boris over the head, making him yell out.

after they've calmed down, the russian boy lets out a long sigh. he turns to face the blonde and crosses his legs.

"so about last night," he says, his hands fumbling with the duvet. "you're not going to break my heart and say that you regret it, are you, potter?"

theo looks back at him, immediately shaking his head. "of course not. i'd never do that."

boris gives him a quick nod, glancing away with a nervous expression. the other boy gives him a sympathetic look, reaching down to hold his hand.

"hey, i swear i don't regret anything. i didn't really tell you this, but i've liked you for the longest time. i'd been waiting for that kiss for months." the blonde tells him, making boris look up at him.

"really?" he asks, his expression softening.

"yeah. abby found out the night i met her, and she kept on telling me to tell you – but i was scared. i didn't want to risk losing you."

a warm smile appears on boris' face, lacing their fingers together. "well i'm not going anywhere."

theo notices his eyes flicker down to his lips, making his breath hitch in his throat. they both begin to lean in to one another, the blonde's heart beating in his chest.

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