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chapter nine

at first, boris thought it would be a good idea to give theo some pills he found in his closet to help stop the pain. but it didn't take him long to realise that it was a terrible idea.

the brunette practically had to drag his best friend to the car and lift him up into the seat, fastening his seatbelt for him.

theo was extremely sluggish. he was murmuring to himself and occasionally poking boris in the face, followed by a fit of giggles. the russian boy would've thought it was cute if theo wasn't potentially dying.

boris didn't have much experience driving. he had done it before in alaska when he was forced to evacuate from a snow storm – so surely the twenty minute drive to the hospital could be easy enough.

however, when the boy tries to put the car in drive, he puts it in reverse instead. without realising, he slams his foot on to the accelerator and crashes into the garage door.

"fuck!" boris shouts, hearing theo's laughter from beside him. "shut up, potter!"

"that was a big boom." the other boy slurs, slumped down in his seat.

eventually, the brunette manages to pull out of the driveway and onto the road, his fingers tightly gripped on the steering wheel. he finally remembers to turn the headlights on five minutes later, giving himself a mental slap.

they mostly drive in silence, with the odd stir from theo. until his small voice appears.

"boris? where are we going?"

"to the hospital," he replies, glancing over at his friend for a second. "you are not well, potter. we are going to get you some help."

"i'm scared, boris." theo mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut.

boris looks at him again, his eyes softening. he notices the blonde's hand hanging over his seat, making him reach down and lace their fingers together.

"don't worry. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere." he tells theo, pulling his hand up to give it a light kiss.

a small smile appears on his friend's face, making boris' heart leap. he tried his best to keep his eyes on the road, but for some reason, he found it insanely hard to keep them away from theo.

"boris?" the shorter boy speaks up.


theo turns his head to look at the brunette, trying to keep his eyes open. "i love you."

the russian boy feels his breath hitch in his throat. he stares ahead of him, his heart beating in his chest.

"i – i love you too, man." he replies, internally panicking.

"no, not like – you know," the boy's voice begins to trail off, his head slowly falling down. "i think i'm gonna take a nap."

"what – no, potter! stay awake! do not fall asleep!" boris exclaims, but theo's grip on his hand had already loosened.

the car fills with silence, the brunette finding himself sitting in shock. he still held on to theo's hand, gulping thickly as he tried to process what had just happened.

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