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chapter five

once theo finished a delicious meal prepared by abby's mother, he knew he had to leave. he had to go to boris'.

"thank you so much for the amazing dinner, mrs martinez – but i'm afraid i've got to head home now." theo explains, earning a glance from his friend.

"it's no problem, theo. honestly. feel free to come over again." she replies with a smile.

"i'll walk you out." abby announces a little too loudly, standing up from her spot.

theo gives her a nod, thanking the family again, before retrieving his belongings from the girl's room and heading for the front door.

"you're going to boris', aren't you?" abby asks.

a heavy sigh escapes theo's lips. "i have to. it's important."

"does he know about you?" the brunette doesn't elaborate, but theo knew exactly what she meant.

"no. it's never really come up. and besides, i never really wanted to do the whole coming out thing. i mean, why should i?"

"i know how you feel," abby tells him, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder. and in that moment, something told theo that abby would end up being one of the most important people in his life. "uh – anyways! good luck! i'm sure everything will be okay. you guys are basically attached at the hip."

the blonde lightly chuckles, giving her a tight smile before walking out the door.

after putting his backpack on, theo retrieves his bike from the side of the house to begin the journey to his best friend's house.

it didn't take long for nerves to consume theo's body. the closer he got, the faster his heartbeat was. the sun had just set, making the sky deep blue which faded into orange. soon enough, he found himself at the back door to the house.

the boy grabs his phone from his bag, sending a text to boris. IM OUTSIDE. NEED 2 TLK 2 U. once the text sent, he could soon hear footsteps coming down the stairs from inside.

boris opens the back door, looking slightly surprised to see his friend.

"hey. is it just you here?" theo asks, nervously gulping.

the other boy raises an eyebrow, but nods.

"good." the blonde says, pushing past him to walk inside, making a beeline for his bedroom.

"what are you doing here? i thought you were at – abby's." he uses a harsh tone for her name, making theo roll his eyes.

"i was. but she told me about what's been happening at school, and – well, i felt like we should talk about it." theo explains, putting his bag on the ground and taking a seat on boris' bed.

boris stands in front of him, crossing his arms tightly. "there is nothing to talk about."

"why didn't you tell me?" theo quickly responds.

"is not important, potter. does not matter to me."

"yeah, well it matters to me." he shoots back, starting to get frustrated.

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