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chapter ten

theo hadn't been to school in a couple of days, mainly because his father didn't want his teachers to see him in his current state. he had already made up a story, telling them that theo had been jumped on the way home one night, and needed some time to rest.

in a way, the boy couldn't complain. he couldn't even imagine going to school at the time. with everything that he'd been through, and what had happened a couple of days before – he didn't even want to leave his room. so he didn't.

xandra brought food up to him occasionally, though not saying anything to him. the whole house was filled to the brim with tension. theo was just glad that he had popchyk back on his bed with him.

in the afternoon, xandra knocked on the blonde's door at a time he wasn't expecting. he had only had lunch a couple of hours ago, and dinner wasn't for another few.

"theo, you decent?" she yells out.

"uh, yeah?" he replies, soon seeing her face as she swings the door open.

"your friend is here."

for a second, theo's heart skips a beat. he hadn't stopped thinking about his last conversation with boris, and he was desperately trying to figure out what he was going to say to him. he felt beyond guilty for leaving him at the park, but he just didn't want to say something he'd regret.

however, the boy's thoughts are put to ease as sees abby appear from behind xandra, giving him a smile. a sigh of relief escapes his lips.

"clean yourself up a bit, yeah? smells like a locker room in here." xandra says, scrunching her nose before leaving.

theo blushes as he notices the mess in his room, leaping up from his bed to open his curtains and chuck some of the mess into his closet. embarrassment soon washes over him as he realises he hasn't showered in days.

"could i just – take a shower super quick." he asks the girl, who immediately nods.

"please do."

rushing into the bathroom, theo takes the quickest shower of his life and changes into some fresh clothes. he returns to his room, noticing abby sitting at his desk.

"my dad's making me take the week off." the blonde explains, dragging another chair over to sit by her.

his friend nods, glancing out of the window. "yeah, i figured. boris told me about the whole hospital incident. actually – he's been telling me a lot. like, a lot."

theo's eyebrows furrow, confusion filling him.

"wait, boris actually talked to you? by himself?" he questions her.

"i know right? but yeah, he won't stop bothering me. past two days, every time he sees me, it's all – theo this, theo that! he seemed pretty frustrated with you." she tells him, seeming frustrated herself.

"so he didn't tell you exactly what happened?" theo mumbles, seeing abby shake her head as she looks over at him. "right. well. you see – we met up on sunday night, and he kind of, um. he kind of told me that he liked me. in that way."

the brunette stares at the boy with her mouth hanging open. she takes a while to respond, making theo think that he broke her.

"he fucking – what?!"

the boy explains everything to his friend, and by the end, she's looking at him with a shocked expression.

"so you're telling me, that boris basically did all the hard work for you by confessing his feelings first, and yet you just walked away?!" she exclaims.

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