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chapter two

boris and his girlfriend had been dating for about two months. her name was kylie, but boris always called her kotku. she was a beautiful girl – theo couldn't deny that. but she wasn't the one he was falling deeper and deeper for every day.

theo didn't see his best friend as much as he used to – just like he predicted. boris spent much more time with kotku, and whenever the blonde did see his friend – she was most likely there too.

he had never truly experienced what it was like to be a third wheel until then. although, theo thought that it was a lot more painful than he was expecting. whenever they would watch a film together, theo would always sit a few feet away from the couple – hiding his internalised jealously as he watched them cuddle and exchange the odd kiss with each other.

the boy felt sick to his stomach whenever he saw boris whisper into kotku's ear, making her giggle. what did he say? theo never wanted to be someone else so much in his whole life.

just as the blonde was about to try and suppress his feelings for his friend, an expected visit from boris one night took that off the table.

it was almost midnight, and theo was deep in a load of late homework – previously being too distracted to work normally. there was crunched up cans of energy drinks covering his desk, with a set of headphones crammed into his ears, music blasting. he was definitely planning on pulling an all nighter to catch up on his work – until he was interrupted.

at first theo thought the knocking was coming from the door, making him yell out "what?" to either his dad or xandra – his dad's girlfriend. but after no reply, he notices a dark figure behind his curtains.

the figure makes the boy jump in his seat, before quickly realising that it was boris. he stands up to pull his curtains, seeing his best friend's face in the dark. once the window was open, the brunette stumbles in with watery red eyes.

"have you been crying?" theo immediately asks.

he had only seen boris cry twice in the time of knowing him – once after his father had beaten him, and another time when the pair was watching titanic.

"shut up, potter." boris spits out, vigorously wiping his tears away as he heads straight for theo's bed – pulling xandra's dog, popchyk, into his lap.

the blonde cautiously takes a seat in his desk chair, listening to the other boy's sniffs and heavy breaths. "are – are you okay?"

boris slowly looks up at his friend, giving popchyk a scratch under the ear. "kotku broke up with me."

"what?" theo says out of pure shock. "why?"

"i accidentally kissed one of her friends. accidentally! i was drunk, potter! doesn't count!" he exclaims, tears filling his eyes. "i said sorry at least forty times. still! she said, i don't want to be with you anymore! fuck you!"

theo says silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. he felt guilty for the part of him that was relieved – even happy. but seeing his best friend crying in heartbreak in front of him broke his heart too.

"i'm really sorry, boris." is all theo managed to say. nothing else seemed right.

after a long sigh from the russian boy, he takes popchyk off of his lap and stands up. "whatever. doesn't matter. i don't need her, i have you! now. you got some vodka?"

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