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chapter twelve
tw / homophobia

a few months had passed since boris and theo confessed their feelings for one another, and for once, theo rarely had bad days.

things were still awkward between his father and himself, but the boy didn't care. they barely saw each other. he only really slept at his house, but not every night. if he wasn't there, he was either at boris' or abby's – mainly boris'.

they were finally able to be affectionate with one another without feeling confused or weird about it. everything felt right for once. they were becoming closer and closer every day. and theo's first kiss wasn't the only thing boris took.

they still weren't 'official', but they were okay with that. they didn't want to label anything. all they knew is that they were happy together – even if they had to be secretive about it.

and just as theo had predicted, boris and abby were actually getting along. even though they bickered a lot, they had become friends, which made the blonde more than happy. his two favourite people in the world didn't hate each other.

the trio were sitting on the back field together during lunch, distancing themselves from the other students. boris lay on the grass as the other two sat next to him – the sun beaming down on to them.

as his friends talk, theo pulls out a photo attached to a postcard from his bag. "i got this in the mail today."

the other two pause their conversation and glance over at him, boris sitting up slightly to lean on his elbows. they examine a picture of pippa and hobie, taken on pippa's recent birthday.

"that's pippa? she's cute." abby mentions, making the boys look at her.

"ooo, abby's got a cruuush." boris teases.

the girl gives the brunette a shove, sneering at him. "i will suffocate you in your sleep, pavlikovsky."

"not before i gouge your eyeballs out."

"you guys do realise how insane you sound, right? if anybody heard you they'd probably call the police and send you to jail." theo tells them.

"good. means i'd be far far away from her." the other boy says with a grin.

"fuck off." abby says, flipping him off.

theo's friends begin to laugh as he looks at them in confusion. sometimes it was hard to tell whether they were joking or not.

"i will never understand your friendship."

after a few moments pass, the pair eventually calm down. the girl tilts her head and glances over at the blonde.

"do you miss them?" she asks.

theo sits to think for a moment. "yeah. when i was staying at the barbour's it didn't feel like home. but it did at hobie's. they made me feel like i could actually be myself around them."

"they sound really nice. i hope i can meet them someday." abby says with a smile.

boris lets out a snort, making the girl give him a glare. "yeah, so you and pippa can fall in love and live happily ever after."

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