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chapter fourteen

theo and boris arrived at the blonde's house just after sunset. the shorter boy could feel his heart pounding in his chest. his anxiety increased even more when they got to the doorstep and their hands dropped.

the boy opens the front door, seeing a faint light from the living room on. he shares a glance with boris before entering, soon hearing the sound of voices.

they walk into the living room side by side, instantly noticing xandra sitting on a sofa with a couple of her friends with her. it didn't take long for theo's heart to drop when he realised that she was crying.

she turns to look at the boys, her face hardening. "where the fuck have you been?"

the blonde couldn't speak. he glances around the room, searching for his father. but he was nowhere to be seen.

"we had to walk back from town. we missed the last bus." boris speaks for the boy, making xandra glare at him.

"i'm not talking to you," she spits out, standing up to walk over to theo and faces him. "this is all your goddamn fault. ever since you had that argument with your father he's been drinking hard liquor again."

"did – did something happen to him?" the boy squeaks out, thinking of the worst.

xandra takes a moment to compose herself, taking a gulp of her wine in her hand. "yes. yes something fucking happened. he was driving back from the bar, drunk – and crashed into a ditch."

theo feels the colour from his face begin to drain, starting to feel dizzy. this couldn't be happening. not again.

"is – is he alright?" he asks with caution.

"no! no, he's not alright! he's fucking dead!"

she suddenly bursts into tears, making her friends stands up and lead her back over to the sofa, comforting her.

the blonde stays frozen, his surroundings beginning to blur. he feels like he can't breathe.

a touch on his arm makes him flinch, but he soon recognises boris' hand on his skin.

"potter. potter, are you okay?" the brunette speaks to him, but theo can't respond. he can't do anything.

"you can't even cry for your own father? he is dead!" xandra exclaims from the sofa, her friends still trying to calm her down. "i cannot fucking wait until i don't have to deal with you anymore!"

"what are you talking about?" theo manages to croak out.

her eyes narrow down on him as a broken laugh escapes her lips. "you really think i'm just gonna let you stay here? you're not my kid, so you're not my problem."

the boy's lips part as he stares at her. he wasn't eighteen until next year. he was vulnerable.

suddenly, theo turns on his heels and rushes up the stairs, ignoring the loud curses coming from xandra. he heads straight for his room, stopping at his closet to pull a duffle bag out.

"what are you doing?" boris asks as he catches up, watching the blonde begin to stuff clothes into his bag.

"we can't stay here. we need to go somewhere far away from here." he replies, grabbing everything important to him and packing it.

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