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chapter nineteen

the blonde boy awoke in a surprisingly good mood. for the first time in a while – he didn't immediately feel dread when he broke from his slumber.

theo raises his arms above his head to stretch, glancing over to his bedside table to see an empty bottle of vodka. his eyebrows furrow, not seeming to remember why it was there.

until it hits him – and he quickly notices a warmth from beside him.

the boy slowly looks over to his right to see boris sleeping soundly, his mouth open with a soft snore escaping it. he was still in his clothes from the night before, and was lying on top of the covers – almost like he passed out unexpectedly.

theo quietly slips out of bed as he reaches down to grab a shirt from the floor, putting it on before locating his glasses.

as he takes a step to find a pair of sweatpants to wear, the floor makes a loud squeak – making him freeze. he glances behind him and sees boris begin to stir.

in panic, theo rushes to his draws and pulls out some sweatpants – pulling them on as quickly as possible. once he does, he looks back up to see the brunette staring back at him.

"this is not something i thought i would be seeing again."

the taller boy can't help but laugh, shaking his head as he watches boris stand up, straightening his clothes.

"i guess we had a bit too much to drink last night." the blonde says, glancing over at the empty bottle.

the russian boy chuckles, making theo blush. "not like it is the first time."

silence falls between them as they wait for the other person to do something. theo couldn't stop thinking about how well he slept last night, and he wondered what boris was thinking too.

"well, i should get going," the brunette tells the other boy, walking over to the door. "i am supposed to be meeting up with my boss today. says he's got a big job for me."

"y–yeah. sure."

they both reach for the doorknob at the same time, making theo's hand fall on top of boris'. he stops for a moment – staring at it for a couple of seconds, before looking over at his old friend. they share eye contact until the blonde drops his hand, his cheeks even hotter than before.

the pair exchanges a small laugh, before boris eventually opens the door and lets the other boy walk through first.

as theo tries to ignore his heart beating rapidly in his chest, the two boys find themselves stopping suddenly at the top of the stairs as someone blocks their way.

their eyebrows raise simultaneously as they look at abby frozen in front of them – who stares back at her friends with wide eyes.

the trio find themselves speechless as they acknowledge each other's presence. it's only until pippa walks in where someone speaks.

"hey! you guys..." the red headed girl chuckles nervously.

theo and boris exchange a glance, both suddenly realising how them walking out of theo's room must look.

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