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chapter twenty two

darkness consumed theo's room as he remained curled up in his bed – having stayed there all night and day. the only time light entered the room was when either pippa or hobie came in to bring him some food.

he couldn't even sleep. he just laid there – staring at the wall beside him. and for once, he didn't have a thousand thoughts running through his mind. it was just blank.

as the evening approached, a knock appears from theo's bedroom door. he doesn't bother to answer or turn over – mainly just because he assumed that it was pippa or hobie bringing him dinner.

but as the door opens, a voice that the blonde wasn't expecting follows.

"jesus, decker. who died in here?"

abby's voice brings a feeling of calm to the boy, which makes him slowly roll over to face her.

the brunette gives him a sad smile, walking over to sit on the edge of his bed. "you okay?"

"do i look okay?" he croaks out.

"no. you look like shit," abby giggles, receiving a weak smile from her friend. "there you go. a little bit of emotion doesn't hurt, huh?"

"emotions are the last thing i need right now." theo replies, managing to pull himself up into a sitting position.

the girl lets out a sigh, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "theo, i know that you're hurting right now – and it's completely understandable, but you still gotta take care of yourself, yeah? pip and hobie are worried about you. i am too."

the boy feels a lump forming in his throat, indicating that he was about to start crying. and soon enough, he feels his eyes begin to water.

"oh, honey." abby says, shuffling closer to wrap her arms around him – squeezing him tightly.

theo immediately hugs his best friend back – only just now realising how much he needed it. abby rubs his back as he softly sobs in the crook of her neck, his eyes squeezed shut.

a few moments pass and the blonde slowly pulls away from the girl, giving her a small smile as they look at each other.

"i just can't come to terms with it. i don't understand how he could just leave like that." theo mumbles out, grabbing his glasses to put on.

"i think he was just scared. i mean – sometimes i have no idea what the fuck is going on in that guy's head, and honestly – i don't think he does either," abby tells him. "he told me what happened, and of course i said – so why the fuck are you leaving?! and he just told me that he needed time to figure out what he wanted."

"do you – do you think he'll come back?" the boy asks, his voice cracking.

the brunette hesitates before answering, taking in a deep breath. "i think so. i hope so. let's just say, if he doesn't – i'm not gonna give him a second chance."

theo looks down as he sighs. with abby next to him – he didn't feel alone anymore. if boris didn't come back – they would both lose him.

"abby?" the blonde speaks up, looking up to make eye contact with her. "i'm really glad you're here. and not just here, but – in my life again. i missed you so much."

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