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chapter twenty one

the first thing that theo felt when he woke up was disorientation. as his eyes fluttered open, he scanned the room that he was in. he had no idea where he was.

his head begins to pound, making him go to grab it in discomfort – but is stopped when he realises that his arm is underneath something heavy.

the blonde couldn't believe how long it took him to realise his current situation. everything hits him at once.

he was hungover in a hotel room – boris' hotel room. the boy who was currently snuggled up against him.

theo feels himself inhale sharply, like he was shocked to see his first love in his arms. like he couldn't believe that he was finally somewhere he wanted to be for seven years.

memories of the night before come rushing into the boy's mind – making his cheeks heat up instantly. his eyes scan boris' face as he watches him sleep peacefully, feeling a smile creep on to his face.

but in a split second – that smile disappears. something else hit theo in that moment. he slept with boris while he was still with kitsey. now he was the cheater.

the thought made panic instantly fill the boy, his heartbeat accelerating quickly as he slips his arm out from underneath the brunette. he swings his legs out of the bed and stands up too quickly – making him begin to see stars.

he cheated on kitsey. he did the exact same horrible thing she did to him. he was so close to finally ending things with her, and before he could – he fucked up.

theo stares at boris laying in bed, completely unaware of the anxiety-filled boy standing in front of him.

without another thought, the blonde begins to pick his clothes up from the floor and tug them on as quickly as possible. he couldn't let this go on for any longer. it had to be done now.

once the boy pulls his coat on and adjusts his glasses, he walks over to the side of the bed and looks down at the russian boy.

even though theo felt extremely guilty about what he had just done – he didn't regret it. he had waited for so long to be with boris, and couldn't be happier to have fulfilled that.

the blonde bends down and presses his lips to the brunette's cheek, giving him a soft kiss.

after pulling away, he whispers into the boy's ear. "i love you."

theo didn't even care if boris could hear him or not. he meant it. and he would forever.

after looking at him for another few seconds, he eventually walks out of the room and leaves the hotel.

the blonde walks at a face pace to kitsey's – more determined than ever. it didn't take him long to find himself standing outside, taking in a deep breath before buzzing in.

apart of theo hoped that her roommate answered – just so he could have a few more seconds to prepare himself for what was about to happen. but that hope is immediately disintegrated as the door opens – and kitsey is standing in front of him.

she doesn't even say anything. she just looks at him, and walks into the apartment – leaving the door open.

the boy hesitantly walks in, noticing her sit down on one of their couches. theo doesn't join her. he just stands with a distance between them – already being able to feel the tension.

"where have you been?" kitsey quietly asks, glaring up at her fiancé. "i was calling you all night."

"didn't abby tell you that i wasn't feeling well?" theo says, feelings his palms begin to sweat.

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