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chapter seventeen

theo comes to a sudden halt. his heart leaps into his throat as he stares ahead of him, still processing what he just heard. could it be?

the blonde slowly turns around, bracing himself for who he was about to see. there was only one person who gave him a nickname. one that he hadn't heard in a very long time.

and then he saw him – standing only a few feet away. boris. he looked different, but still the same. he had the same dark curly hair, the same deep brown eyes, the same pale skin. but of course he looked older. he had really grown into his features, making theo feel something he tried so hard to ignore.

they both looked at one another for a moment, speechless. the blonde felt multiple emotions run through him as he opened his mouth to say something – but no words came out.

"it is you, isn't it?" the other boy speaks up first, letting out a small chuckle – one that made theo's heart skip a beat.

"who else would respond to such a shitty nickname?" the now-taller boy responds with a grin.

boris laughs at him, softly shaking his head. silence falls between them as they still stand apart, the sound of the city filling up the space.

"well, aren't i going to get a hug after all this time?" the russian boy asks.

theo feels a cheeky smile appear on his face, slowly beginning to walk forwards. "you really that desperate to get back into my arms?"

once the pair are standing in front of each other, boris lets out a huff and gives the other boy a punch on the arm. "you fucking wish, potter."

the blonde winces and rubs his arm, feeling mischievous as he gives boris a punch in the chest as a response.

the brunette lets out a loud laugh, soon grabbing the boy to pull him into a hug. theo wraps his arms around his old friend, finding himself become overwhelmed with emotions. he forgot how much he missed being in boris' arms. the boy sighs softly, feeling the brunette's cheek rest on his shoulder.

they stay in an embrace for longer than theo expected – making him pull away with red cheeks. boris places a hand on the side of the blonde's face, making him blush even more.

"it has been too long, yes?" the russian boy says, giving him a warm smile.

"yeah," theo breaths out, noticing his heart pounding as boris drops his hand. "did you – did you want to get a drink?"

"of course! i was actually supposed to get one with abby – but she didn't end up coming."

the two boys start to walk back into the bar together, but the sentence makes the blonde stop.

"wait – abby invited you here too?" he asks with confusion.

"yes! this is our favourite place to come," boris tells him, soon looking confused too. "she invited you also? why would she – oh..."

the pair realise what was happening at the same time – abby set them up. she invited them to the same place in hopes that they would find each other, since they wouldn't do it themselves.

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