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chapter thirteen

"you know what would be an even better idea? if you didn't go, and stayed here with us instead!"

"yeah – that's not happening, decker."

the blonde currently stared at his best friend upside down as his head hung off the edge of her bed. abby was packing for her trip to hawaii – which was almost three weeks long. the boy couldn't even fathom the idea.

"well how about taking an extra suitcase and shoving us in?" he suggests as she folds some shirts into her bag.

"i like being close to you, potter, but jesus – not that close." boris mutters from beside him, throwing a ball into the air and catching it.

"stop that, you're gonna break something." abby scowls, snatching the ball away from him.

the brunette mocks her tone and sticks his tongue out at her, making her do the same to him.

theo let out a long sigh. he had been so close with the girl over the past few months. he knew that he'd miss her more than anything. who else could he talk to about boris? popchyk?

"send us some postcards at least." the boy pouts.

abby pauses packing for a moment and glances over at him, reaching over to mess up his hair. "hey, i'm gonna miss you guys as much as you're gonna miss me, dummy. of course i will."

"well i don't know what you are talking about. i'm not going to miss you." boris says with a cheeky grin.

"shut up, pavlikovsky, you so are." she replies, throwing a shirt at him.

after the girl's finished packing, the trio make their way downstairs to meet abby's family outside. they load the luggage into their car before strapping the younger siblings in.

"take care, theo." mrs martinez says with a smile, giving the blonde a tight hug.

"thanks. you too." he responds, before turning to his friend.

it doesn't take long for abby to throw her arms around the boy, almost squeezing him to death. theo lets out a laugh, hugging her back until she releases him.

"don't do anything stupid while i'm gone." she tells him, giving him a light nudge.

"i'll try not to," theo chuckles. "make sure you wear a lot of sunscreen while you're there. and put on mosquito repellent. i read that some of the mosquito's over there carry deadly viruses which you can catch if they bite you. oh – and have a good time."

"i hate you sometimes. but i will. love you, decker." the girl smiles, opening the car door to climb in.

"love you too." the boy tells her, his heart feeling heavy.

she waves boris goodbye from inside the car,
to which he waves back – actually looking sad about the situation.

abby keeps eye contact with theo until the car starts up and begins to move. for some reason, the blonde felt like it was going to be a long time until he saw her again. and it was.

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