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chapter seven

boris stood frozen for about thirty seconds. he stared at his best friend passed out on his doorstep, a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind. he couldn't stop staring at the blood covering theo's face. his heart was pounding.

eventually, the brunette crouches down and lightly shakes the other boy's shoulder. "potter. hey, potter. wake up."

after getting no response, boris reaches up to theo's face and pats him on the cheek. but still nothing.

the russian boy's breaths begin to accelerate as theo remains unresponsive. he keeps on calling out his name – his voice beginning to crack as he becomes more desperate. he couldn't lose him.

in panic, boris suddenly scoops the blonde under his arms and carries him into the house, shutting the door behind them. he struggles to carry him up the stairs, but manages to get him into his room to lie him on the bed.

theo was soaked. his hair was stuck to his face, with blue lips and blood coming out of his nose. boris would've been furious with whoever had done this to him – but he was too busy being worried.

the boy rushes over to his closet and takes out some dry clothes, placing them next to his unconscious friend. he carefully begins to take theo's wet clothes off, soon seeing fresh bruises covering his stomach. okay, now boris was furious.

once he replaces theo's clothes with dry ones, he retrieves a first aid kit from his bathroom and returns to his now conscious friend.

"boris?" the shorter boy mumbles, sitting up with a confused look on his face.

"potter! are you alright?" boris exclaims, running up to him and sitting down.

theo takes a minute to think. suddenly, it seems that he's remembered. he looks down at his feet and begins to cry.

"hey, potter. it's okay, you're okay." the brunette soothes, wrapping his arms around him.

the other boy melts into him and cries into his shoulder. boris stays silent, resting his head on theo's.

after a few minutes pass, theo suddenly sits up, looking the boy in the eye. he shuffles away, breaking eye contact as he takes his glasses off.

boris already knew what this was about. the pair hadn't spoken in so long after what had happened. he's wanted to apologise for the longest time, but he thought that theo hated him.

"potter, i am so sorry. honestly. i am terrible friend. i don't deserve you – i never have."

theo glances up at him, his eyes glistening from the tears. "no. i'm the one who should be sorry. i didn't even give you a chance to reply. i shouldn't have said what i said, i swear i didn't mean it."

"it's okay if you did. i understand. i can be piece of shit sometimes," boris replies, earning a small chuckle from the other boy. "and, before you say anything else – i just wanted you to know that i support you, and i want to be there for you. i want us to be best friends again."

"me too." the blonde says, a smile appearing on his face.

boris sits for a moment, a sudden burning feeling appearing in his chest. "i – i missed you, potter. i really did."

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