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chapter twenty four

a couple of weeks later, it was christmas. there was fresh snow outside, and the streets were lit up with multicoloured lights.

theo woke up in the late morning, his head slightly sore from drinks with his friends the night before.

he lets out a yawn and stretches out, soon rolling over to find himself staring into a particular brunette's eyes.

"were you watching me sleep?" theo asks, a grin appearing on his face.

boris scoffs, rolling his eyes. "you wish."

the blonde gives him a light shove, making the russian boy push him back even harder. the action makes theo grab his pillow and slam it into the other boy's face.

boris retaliates and they play fight for a couple of minutes, before they freeze and theo stares up at the boy leaning over him.

a smile appears on the brunette's face, his eyes soon flickering down to theo's lips. it doesn't take him long to act on his thought – leaning down to kiss the blonde passionately.

the other boy smiles against the kiss, and when boris pulls away, he feels himself pout.

"happy christmas, potter." the russian boy whispers.

"i'm guessing that was my present?" theo teases with a chuckle.

"not quite – i actually have something very big prepared for you." boris tells him, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

the blonde sits up to face him, taking a deep breath in. "i got a couple of things too. and i think i'm gonna give one to you now."

"go on." the russian boy says, looking eager.

"okay, so, it's not exactly a present – more so a question. it's something i've been wanting to ask you for a long time." he explains, his heart starting to race.

the brunette's furrows his eyebrows in confusion, but he allows the boy to continue, waiting in anticipation.

"boris, will you – officially – be my boyfriend?"

a bright grin appearing on the his face as he suddenly tackles the blonde into a hug. theo chuckles loudly, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing him tightly.

"i'm taking that as a yes?" he asks in between laughs.

"how could i say no?" boris responds, breaking away to look him in the eyes.

a loud knock from the door interrupts the pair, making them turn to look and see it slowly begin to open.

abby and pippa stand on the other side of the door, both in christmas-themed pyjamas with smiles on their faces.

"merry christmas, lovebirds!" abby exclaims, pippa giggling next to her. "once you two finish being all cute and shit, come downstairs for breakfast. hobie's made something delicious!"

"you look like a fucking candy cane, martinez!" boris yells at her, causing the girl to flip him off.

"fuck up, pavlikovsky. don't make me regret getting you something this year!" she says while shutting the door, giving theo a quick wink.

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