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chapter sixteen

boris loved new york. it was his favourite place to come for work. he loved the cold, the variety of restaurants, and the people who never really gave a fuck about anything.

but every time he visited the city – he felt like a constant reminder was following him around the whole time. a reminder that his first love was close by.

there were times where boris completely forgot about this reminder. but it wasn't hard for him to remember. especially when he received some very important news from his friend.

"so i bumped into theo yesterday."

the brunette freezes with his burger only an inch away from his mouth. his eyes slowly shift over to abby, who sits opposite him with a mischievous look on her face.

"what do you mean you just bumped into theo yesterday?" he replies, placing his burger back into the box.

the pair were currently sat at abby's apartment with some food, catching up just after boris had arrived in new york.

"i did!" she says, chewing on a fry. "i bumped into him on the street and then shattered my phone – but that's not the point. we got a coffee together and caught up. he's super tall now."

the russian boy's stomach felt like it had just flipped upside down. they hadn't spoken about their old friend in forever. knowing that he was even closer than boris thought made him panic.

"he's still living with hobie and working with him. hasn't left the city once. i told him that the three of us should meet up and–"

"what did he say?" boris cuts the girl off, leaning forward with urgency.

abby hesitates for a moment, furrowing her eyebrows. "uh, well – it might take him a bit of convincing, but–"

"so is not happening," the brunette mutters. "i already said. it's been too long. you know i gave up a long time ago."

"come on, boris. you can't turn down an opportunity like this! i know you want him back in your life – whether you'll admit it or not." she tells him sternly.

"he left me!" boris exclaims, standing up from his seat.

"and you left me. yet i forgave you, didn't i?"

abby lets a heavy sigh out, hanging her head down. guilt instantly fills the boy, slowly sitting back down to give her an apologetic look.

"i know, i'm sorry. i just – i don't want it to be awkward. what if he wants nothing to do with me?" he mumbles, imagining all of the worst scenarios in his head.

the girl reaches over to place her hand on his shoulder, smiling warmly. "what you and theo had was special. i know for a fact that you belong in each other's lives. even if it's just as friends. or maybe..."

boris meets abby's eye, silence falling in between them. his mind flashes back to a time last year that he never forgot about. it was something that he hadn't even told the girl about.

"i know he has a girlfriend, abby," the brunette quietly says, earning a confused look from her. "i saw online. they looked happy together."

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