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chapter eighteen

theo left his bedroom the next morning from a sleepless night. he couldn't shut his mind off – so he just laid in bed, staring at the ceiling for hours.

usually this would be because of his many arguments with kitsey – but this time was different. his thoughts weren't as negative as usual. they weren't attacking him. instead, he found himself in a comforting nostalgia.

seeing boris again changed everything. it reminded him of all those times when they were teenagers where the boy made him feel safe. like everything was going to be okay.

as the blonde was making breakfast, he hears his phone chime from the table next to him. he walks over to pick it up, seeing a message on the screen.

send me ur address. i NEED to see u!!!

the text was from abby, making the boy instantly chuckle. boris must've told him about her plan working – and he already knew that he was about to get an extremely excited abby bursting through his door.

once he sent her the address, it wasn't long until his prediction came true.

"DECKER!" the girl exclaims as theo opens the front door to her, throwing her arms around him.

she squeezes him tightly before letting go, looking up at him with bright eyes. "i knew it would work! i fucking knew it!"

"congrats, you want a medal?" he teases her, making her punch him on the arm.

the boy leads her into the kitchen where they sit together, offering her a cup of coffee.

"so what was it like? what did you guys talk about? did he tell you he's single? he's been really lonely recently, but he won't admit it–"

"abby. chill," theo tells her with a chuckle. "it was a good catch up. it just felt like the past seven years hadn't even happened. almost like we were teenagers again."

the brunette rests her chin on her hand, looking at him in awe. "that is so cute. i knew that once you guys finally reconnected, you'd be just as close as you were."

"well, maybe not that close." the blonde says, sipping on his coffee.

abby glances up from her mug for a moment, making eye contact with her friend. they sit in silence, with theo holding his breath.

"so... you're just gonna be friends then?"

the blonde doesn't reply immediately. his thoughts drift back to when he still had hope for boris and himself. he thought that distance couldn't break them. he thought that one day, they'd be back together again – like nothing had ever happened.

and there was that one question that had been in the back of theo's mind for the past few days. did he still have feelings for boris?

"i – i don't know," he replies, his voice cracking. "we left things so, unfinished. i'd be lying if i said that i got over him quickly. and everything with kitsey... it's not going too great."

the girl gives him a sympathetic look from across the table. "you know that i'm always here for you, theo. time has changed nothing for me. you're still my best friend, and you always will be."

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