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chapter three

theo got along with abby a lot more than he was expecting. the two drunk together and spent the night outside, talking about anything and everything. meanwhile, boris and kotku stayed inside – doing god knows what.

the 'double date' was not going to plan, but surprisingly, theo wasn't complaining. he liked abby. she was kind and surprisingly hilarious. and for a moment, theo thought about how much easier it would be if she was the one he had feelings for.

their conversations ranged from talking about their favourite films, to what type of pasta they felt spiritually connected to. until it all shifted.

"do you have a thing for kylie?"

both teens were lying on their backs next to theo's pool, bottles of beer at their sides. the blonde felt his eyebrows furrow, glancing over at his newfound friend.

"what? why the fuck would i have a thing for her?" theo asks in disgust, earning a laugh from the girl.

"oh, come on. it's not the worst thing in the world," she replies – knowing how irritating her friend could be at times. "she told me she thinks you do."

as theo takes a sip of his beer, he chokes on the liquid and sends it spluttering outwards. "how? i mean seriously, how the fuck could she think that?"

"she said that you always act jealous whenever she's with boris. well, at first, she thought you hated her because she stole your best friend – but then she said you always stare at her and stuff. i dunno. kylie thinks everyone is obsessed with her."

the blonde couldn't help but laugh. oh, if only she knew. to be fair, he did stare at her more than he should've. but it wasn't because he had a crush on the girl – it would because he thought that if he stared at her hard enough, she would disappear into thin air.

"that's not surprising," theo scoffs. "and, i definitely – definitely don't like her."

"you do act jealous whenever they're together though, don't you? even i saw it before." abby asks out of curiosity, sitting up to glance down at the boy.

theo doesn't reply. he takes another swig of his beer and stares up at the stars. his mind wonders to boris – what was he doing right now? his face scrunches up as he thinks about the possibilities. he had to stop himself before he threw up.

after sitting up, theo lets out a long sigh, avoiding eye contact with the girl next to him. "you wouldn't understand."

"oh yeah? try me."

the blonde shakes his head. he squeezes his eyes shut, wishing that he could disappear right there.

"oh my god. it's boris, isn't it?" abby gasps after a minute of silence, making theo's eyes snap open.

his mouth goes dry as he makes eye contact with her, seeing her eyes widening. "wha– no. i don't know– it's not–"

"yes it is! you have a thing for boris! god, how am i so stupid? it makes perfect sense!" she exclaims, soon noticing the colour drain out of the boy's face. "hey – don't worry, decker. i won't tell anybody. especially not him. i swear it."

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