00 | formula

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"The lightsareon but there'sno one here
Puffing with the dragons
I'mliving for the thrill, formula."

My vision faded in and out as my body moved automatically to the beat. The music was blasting but the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding like a caged animal fighting for it's last chance at freedom. Twirling slowly I ignored the presence of everyone around me, this was the best I had felt in weeks. As my heart rate increased my body moved faster, it seemed to be a competition with both of us wondering which one of us would stop moving first. One by one the room began to get darker and the faces of those whom I had considered my friends were no longer present.

Where was everyone?

Grabbing onto the wall I stopped dancing, opening my mouth to scream for help I was hit with a sudden wave of dizziness. My legs crumbled beneath me forcing my body to tumble to the ground. Blood dripped from my eyes as my heart continued to beat rapidly against my chest. My head flashing back and forth for any form of light but it was too late. The darkness had already won.

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