17 | you're the one

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The backdoors of the hospital swung open as Travis tightened his hold around a doped up Alexandria. Pausing at the steps, his eyebrows knitted in question at the sight of a third vehicle parked directly infront of his. The signature silver diamond encrusted OVO owl hood ornament would catch his eyes causing his muscles to relax. It was unknown to him how Drake had figured out their location but what he did know was that the situation had gotten a lot more complicated. Slowly guiding Alexandria towards Drake's car, Noelle who had been the one to inform him about their location stayed in the background. As soon as they arrived at the hospital Noelle would receive a call from a desperate Drake who was trying to get in touch with Alexandria. Unintentionally, the information about them being at the hospital as well as the injury had managed to slip but that was all. The identity of whom had inflicted the injury was to be kept between her and Travis unless it was decided by Alexandria to be shared to anyone else. The original plan had been for them to ride over together and for Alexandria's car to be retrieved later on however with Drake's appearance thrown into the equation it was clear that would no longer be the case. Placing the weight of Alexandria's body on his shoulder, Travis used his free hand to retrieve his keys from the top of his jacket. Stretching his hands out to Noelle he handed her the car key as the doors to Drake's vehicle opened. No words were exchanged as Travis gently placed a half asleep Alexandria inside of the car. The brown bag containing her medication placed on the car seat as Alexandria instinctively snuggled closer towards the warm comfort of Drake's body. The change of plans didn't needed to be explained. He was there and she was coming back with him, "Are you guys going to follow us?"

"Noelle's gonna pick up some extra clothes from the house and join you guys," Travis replied to him. His voice switching to a much colder tone as his eyes casted over the bandage on Alexandria's nose. "I have business to take care of."

A look of understanding was shared among both men. Giving him the go-to nod, Drake responded, "Make sure it's handled."

The car door slammed shut as Travis rejoined Noelle at his car. Turning his attention towards Chubbs who had been listening to the entire interaction Drake nodded at him to get them out of here. The thought of someone placing their hands on his woman made the blood in his veins sizzle in anger. Raising his right arm he lowered her body, allowing her head to rest directly into his lap. Drake's fingers brushed over her face pushing her hair from the front of her face as his eyes took in how peaceful she looked while sleeping. The bruising around her nostrils would cause him to frozen in action.

Closing his eyes he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He couldn't risk waking her up due to his anger but he was fuming. Biting his bottom lip until he drew blood, his nerves would cause his knee to shake uncontrollably. How dare someone put their hands on her? A message needed to be sent and it needed to be loud and clear. Alexandria Lewis was not supposed to be touched. He was unsure of the idiot who decided to ruin their life by touching her but one thing he did know was that whoever it was had hell to pay and the devil inside of him was ready to collect.


"It hurts really bad," Alexandria whined as Drake wiped the area around her nose with an antiseptic wipes. His grip on her chin firm but gentle as he tried his best to make the process as pain free as possible. Ignoring her whines he applied a fresh bandage onto her nostrils. A routine the pair had found themselves engaging in every morning and afternoon for the past two days. Pecking her onto her lips as soon as he was finished. Drake placed the rest of the items inside of the bathroom cabinet and washed his hands. Walking out of the bathroom her eyes welled up with tears at the sight of her face in the bedroom mirror. Even though the swelling had gone down there were bruise marks around the area of her nose. The sound of Drake's footsteps would cause her to quickly wipe her tears in order to prevent him from seeing her crying. She didn't want him to see her cry.

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