02 | still don't know my name

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"That's a wrap everyone!"

Alexandra released a breath of relief as she followed her team backstage. This was her fourth photo-shoot since morning. She was tired. Alexandria quickly changed into her next outfit, reaching for her phone she messaged Travis to bring the car to the front. Even though she had a personal chauffeur most days she allowed Travis to transport her back and forth from shoots. Grabbing her vintage Prada Bag she said goodbye to everyone before making her way downstairs. Travis closed her door firmly as she slid inside. Making his way back into the passenger seat he glanced at the road in his rear view mirror before pulling off.

"Are you wearing your seat-belt?" Alexandria stared at him through the rear view mirror. Travis nodded at her causing her to relax.

"You're still asking me that? It's been years," Travis replied to her.

"My anxiety doesn't relax until I know for sure you're wearing a seat belt," Alexandria told him.

"She wasn't wearing her seat-belt that night?" Travis turned into another lane.

"No. She was always so stubborn at times," Alexandria smiled sadly as she remembered how she had to remind her sister to wear her seat-belt. "That's in the past now."

Silence covered the car, clearing his throat Travis asked. "Are you still flying out tonight? I need to know beforehand to notify the jet."

"I think so...." Alexandria trailed off, checking her calendar she saw that she was scheduled to do a shoot for Vogue Canada in a couple of days. "My shoot with Vogue Canada is in a couple of days."

"I'm not gonna be able to come with you. You gonna be cool?"

"I'm not a baby Travis," Alexandria chuckled at his strained face. Travis was extremely protective of her. He had promised her sister he would take care of her and ever since she passed away he did just that. At times Travis felt defeated, no matter how hard he tried to force her to stay clean Alexandria just wouldn't listen. He suggested rehab but she wasn't for it, so far he's only managed to get her clean for a couple of weeks maximum. His plan was to get her clean forever.

"If anything goes wrong I'm the first one you should call," Travis reminded her.

"I will. I promise."


At twenty years old Alexandria Lewis was given the opportunity to close for the 2016 Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Collection

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At twenty years old Alexandria Lewis was given the opportunity to close for the 2016 Alexander Wang Ready to Wear Collection. Looking back at it two years later Alexandria thanks Alexander for giving her the opportunity that allowed her to make her name within the industry.

How did you manage to get booked for the show?

At the time I was an underground model, doing jobs that I had managed to get here and there. It wasn't much but it helped paved the way. One of the girls that I had met at one of those underground shoots had reached out to me about it and gave me the information about the casting that was being done. I was so nervous, I didn't have the name that I have now back then. When I got there the room was filled with beautiful women— women whom I thought for sure would get the role that I managed to snatched. When it was my turn I remembered telling myself that it was now or never, because I knew booking a big show would be the building block for the future and luckily I managed to get the job.

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