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"So legally Justine and her boyfriend aren't able to use this information against me?"

"No," Naomi replied to her. "This is not the first time we've experienced something along this nature towards a high profile client of Joanna and I. With that being said before encouraging our clients to partake in these group discussions we ensure that certain measures are instilled before your visit. Not only to protect your privacy but to maintain our aims of being professional and being one hundred percentage in the best interest of our clients. This is a serious violation and we will be taking this very seriously. D'Anthony has always been one of our more problematic clients and the fact that information about our session are being circulated due to him is not surprising but trust me Joanna and I will handle it. There's no legal way possible for him to share information about you to the media as far as it pertains to his girlfriend I recommend serving her with a cease and desist to prevent leakages of information through her. It will be very stupid of them to risk losing everything in order to make you look bad. This was a classic case of them testing your emotions to see how you would've reacted to the news rather than actually springing into action."

"I ended up in the hospital thanks to them," Alexandria shook her head in disbelieve, "We already sent a cease and desist letter. That must be why there wasn't any leaks seeing as both of their hands are tied legally. Can you imagine the measures they would've gone to profit off a story about my addiction if the options were different? Wow."

"You said this girl used to be your friend?" Naomi raised her eyebrows at her. "Another situation of you placing your trust in the wrong person and getting hurt. I hope you're not using Justine as an excuse to not be open to new friendships and trusting people. Even though I do agree that not everyone can be trusted there are still genuine persons in this world that truly understand the concept of friendship. Take Noelle for example."

"I got lucky with Noelle. Hollywood is messed up and I don't want to include myself with anyone in it. No one cares about anything all they care about is clout. A bunch of lost souls wandering around as if they have it all together when in reality they don't."

"And you're not doing the same?"

"W-Well...," Alexandria stuttered at the question.  That was a point. Here she was being upset at the lack of transparency within Hollywood when she wasn't transparent about her own self, "Transparency isn't an issue for me. My issues lies with being vulnerable— I love the idea of being open about my struggles, my past and everything that I've been through to make it to where I am today but can they handle it? Can they handle the real me? Being vulnerable is hard for me and if I finally do get to the point where I decide to be open and they can't handle it and look at me differently? I don't know how I would react honestly."

"No matter how open you chose to be there will always be persons who cannot handle the truth. That is the reality of everything, however there will be another group of persons who can manage the truth. Your truth might end up being the turning point for someone else's truth... someone who has struggled just like you to make peace and be open about it. The decision is up to you to choose whenever you feel is best to share any personal information about yourself but never deny your truth. Own up to them and learn how to free yourself of them."

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