13| fun girl

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Alexandria's heart dropped as her eyes ran over the pictures on Drake's phone. There she was in the corner of what seemed to be a club photograph of someone else with her arms wrapped around the 6'6 caramel skinned toned shooting guard as he shoved his tongue down her throat. The next picture would show her arms moving from around him to the curls that rested on the top of his head in means of pulling him closer into her. "It's not what it looks like."

"Do I look stupid to you?" Drake roughly snatched his phone from her hands causing Alexandria to fall back a bit. "You must think I'm a fucking clown or something. Talking bout this isn't what it looks like then what does the fuck it looks like? This nigga got his tongue shoved down your throat in the middle of the club. You want me to take you seriously but how can I take someone who's parading around with every square head nigga seriously. You want to be a hoe Alexandria? Is that what you want because I can treat you like I treat my hoes."

"A hoe?" Alexandria raised her eyebrows in shock at the fact that he called her out of her name. "A hoe? Are you fucking kidding me!"

"Since you want to be in the clubs acting like a bird. I'll start treating you like one."

Furrowing her brows at him, "I'm a hoe? Fuck you Drake! You're a load of shit that's what you are. You parade around every single day as if you have all of your shit together when in reality you don't. Newsflash nigga, you're just as fucked up as everybody else. How dare you attack me for entertaining Klay when you're doing the same with all those other girls you'd had in and out of your hotel room since our so called decision about being serious? You didn't think I knew about that now did you? We're not exclusive. Until you drop your list of women I'm free to fuck whoever I want, whenever I want and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Cut the bullshit," Drake barked at her. Moving away from her to create distance between them, he continued. "You knew what you were getting yourself into. We might've not been seeing each other for a long while but you're a fan of my music. The same music I've been transparent with about the women I've dealt with and my level of possessiveness. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out I don't share anything. Especially my women."

"I'm not some sort of possession that you can slap an OVO logo on and call yours. Sexuality is free and I'm free to do whatever I want. Sorry if my life falls underneath the hoe category."

"Tell me something did you fuck him?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did you fuck him?" Drake nostrils flared as he repeated the question. The vein in his neck prominent as he waited for the right answer. The answer that she didn't sleep with him. It was just a meaningless drunk kiss that started and ended at the club. As silence covered the one noisy room Drake could feel his blood run cold, "Tell me you didn't sleep with him."

"D....," Alexandria reached for his hands to only get brushed off.

"Tell...me...you didn't sleep....with him," He slowed down the statement. His eyes widen with desperation for the confirmation his ego needed to hear. A bitter chuckle exited his mouth as he realized for the first in the longest things weren't going his way. "I think it's best I leave before I say something I don't want to say."

"Let's talk about this. Don't leave."

"Alexandria. Do not touch me," Drake gritted through his clenched teeth. as she held onto his arm. Brushing her off he continued on his way to the door but was interrupted by Alexandria throwing her body infront of his path to block the door. Without giving him a chance to react, she gripped his face into her hands and pulled him into a kiss. Drake stood motionless and allowed her to kiss before using his right hand to apply pressure to her throat.

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