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Drake rubbed his beard as he removed the headphones that were covering his ears, glancing at Noel who nodded at him in approval he took the gesture as a sign that he was on the right track. Exiting the booth he sat beside Noel who replayed the verse so he could hear it. Nodding his head along to the beat he noted a few adjustments that he needed to add to the track. Overall it was perfect for the first construction of a verse. There was never a moment in his life that he wasn't in the studio. Over the years the studio had took the spot of what was considered to be his home or the place he felt the most comfortable. He had learnt to not only use it as a means of venting about anything that rested heavily on his heart but also as a place to hide away when thing became too chaotic for his liking. Even though he had just released an album in June, Drake was still itching to release new music. If he was being honest he wasn't happy with the rollout of the Scorpion era. The entire rollout was filled with controversy, shifting his original plans towards an era that was filled with drama and gossip. He was never one for the drama but somehow he had managed to get himself tied up in a beef that could've been avoided if he had learnt the harsh reality of the industry, not everyone can be trusted. He had placed his trust in someone he had considered to be his brother only for that same brother to stab him in the back.

Even though the incident had occurred months ago Drake often found himself pondering on where he went wrong. He had entered into the industry open and genuine with his love towards everyone. As the years went by and the crown shifted towards his direction so did the attitudes of those around him. It was as if they were disrespected that someone whom had studied the game of rap and worked twice as hard for everything he got was finally reaping the success of the seed he had sown. The constant jabs from different artists would carry on for years and as time went by Drake was no longer surprised when his name was in the media for another ghostwriting incident. He knew deep down in their hearts they were only angry that their time had either passed or haven't started. They refused to accept the fact that a half black Canadian man at that was sitting on the throne of Hip Hop. He learnt to allowed the story to play itself, ignoring these individuals that he knew would run themselves to the ground by constantly mentioning him.

That was his original plan with Terrence, often known to everyone as Pusha T. Pusha would release his album Daytona comprising of a song called Infrared in which he sparks up the conversation about Drake and his supposed usage of ghost writers. Drake wanted so desperately to turn a blind eye but it irritated him that the topic was being brought up again when he had spent and explain explicitly within his career about his writing techniques and that he wrote all of his music. He would reply with his own song, Duppy Freestyle. 

Clearing the air and instituting that Pusha's reputation of transitioning from the drugs game into rap was not as it seemed, Drake pointed out that he probably never actually participated in the action of pushing drugs but rapped about it with intense information due to the individuals around him who actually participated. Just as it seems as if he had secured another beef underneath his belt Pusha would jab back with his retaliating diss, Story of Adidon. The song would expose personal details about his life. 

Details that he knew for a fact he had only shared with one person outside of his personal crew. He had never felt as angry as he did that day. Trust was something he valued dearly and he had placed it in the wrong person. Everything started to seem calculated, the albums around his original drop date, the mention on Infrared and now the retaliation that contained personal information. It was as if Kanye had organized everything as soon as Drake had shared with him the details about his son. It all seemed like a tactic that was being used to sell an artist and an album that no one was really interested in. That same night Drake would spent hours with 40 as he cooked up another diss song. It wasn't hard finding information, his links were global and all it took was one phone call and he had Pusha's entire life and secrets in his ear but he just couldn't release it. It was too personal, too raw— it just wasn't him or the image he had spent years building. The others around him would support his action as they all highlighted that that track would forever be apart of his legacy and it wasn't something he would want his son to grow up and remember him by. Drake did what he did best. He allowed the story to run as he transferred his anger towards Kanye into finishing his album. Adding songs that were filled with shady remarks and statements that he knew would speak without him officially speaking. At the end of the day jealousy was just love and hate at the same time and he knew no matter how much everyone pretended to hate him they were all listening to his shit.

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