01 | the way

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August 9th, 2018.

"Finally we're going to the club!"

Alexandria rolled her eyes at her friend Justine as she scrolled through her phone. In fact, the two had been clubbing since Alexandria had finished her last show in Paris. Alexandria felt like she wasn't able to enjoy herself while clubbing seeing as everyone wanted her attention. However she was only able to see Justine once in a blue moon on certain occasions due to her hectic schedules therefore she promised herself to make the most of every moment. Even if it meant going somewhere she didn't want to for a couple of nights in a row. It didn't take long for them to reach the club, strutting past the strangers in the line they made their way inside. Alexandria breathed a sigh as she raked her hands through her hair.

Turning towards Justine, she asked. "Who's party is this?"

"I don't know," Justine replied to her nonchalantly. "We're going upstairs."

"I'm not in the mood to go upstairs," Alexandria informed her.

"Okay you can stay down here then," Justine told her as she walked off towards the VIP section.

"This is why I didn't want to come to the club with her ass," Alexandria grumbled to herself as she made her way towards the bar. Retrieving her phone from her purse, she pondered on calling Travis to pick her up since Justine had driven them to the club. Releasing a sigh she replaced her phone. Regardless of how Justine treated her there was no way she was going to leave her in a club filled with strangers she knew nothing about. Her subconscious just wouldn't allow it, she would do anything for her friends.

"Here you go," The bartender smiled at her as he placed a drink in front of her.

"I'm sorry I didn't order anything," Alexandria turned towards him.

"It's on the house. From the Boss Man himself," He told her as he moved towards the other customers who were waiting to order.

Placing the straw at her lips, Alexandria glanced around to see if she could figure out who had sent her the drink. Glancing up at the VIP section she tried to see if she could spot Justine but it was no use. Upstairs Drake watched as the brown skinned girl sipped the drink he had asked to be delivered to her. Tapping Chubbs shoulder, he leaned over towards him. "That girl in the white dress at the bar I want her up here ASAP."

"I'll handle it."

Drake placed his hands on the railing as he watched Chubbs make his way towards the bar. He examined closely as the two communicated before Chubbs shook his head and made his way back upstairs. "What's the issue?"

"Man. She said thanks for the drink but she's not interested," Chubbs paused and then added. "She must not know who I work for."

"Or maybe she does," Drake said as their eyes interlocked. What game was she playing? Licking his lips, Drake smirked to himself. He wasn't in the mood for a cat and mouse game but there was something about her that captured his attention. He couldn't leave tonight without getting a taste.

"You gonna go down there?" Chubbs raised his eyebrows at him in surprise. He was used to being the one who retrieved the women Drake wanted. "I can't allow you to go down there man it's crowded as shit."

"Follow behind me. Simple," Drake told him bluntly. Chubbs pinched his nose in frustration at how irrational Drake was being. As they were about to go down Drake watched as a dark skinned girl he had seen earlier in their section made their way towards her. It was obvious that they were in a heated conversation based on their body language. He watched as the dark skinned girl threw her hands in the air before making her way towards the exit with the girl in the white dress following closely behind her.

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