07 | perfect

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The beginning of October brought forth drama for Alexandria. Michelle would continued on her vendetta campaign as different influential creators took to social media to express their distaste about the situation and how it was being handled. Media outlets had a field day, publishing multiple interviews as if they knew anything about what had happened behind the scenes. Just as it seemed the situation couldn't get any worst the details of her visiting Drake's compound would leak to the blogs shifting the gear to another story. Fans stormed underneath her comments while blogs dissected her social media accounts to figure out how she had managed to come in contact with him in the first place.The events of the next couple of weeks would have Alexandria and Drake separated. While Drake was busy with his on-going tour with The Migos, Alexandria was also busy with damage control. Releasing an official statement via her PR team she cleared the air briefly on the situation with Michelle. Staying silent was no longer an option seeing as her brand was being largely affected. Celebrities whom had already knew her side of the story commented hearts to show their stance of unity while those whom had already picked their side without hearing her side of the story kept quiet in embarrassment.

Alexandria could feel the burning gaze of everyone as she entered inside the room. Mumbling underneath her breath she took a seat in one of the empty chairs, flashing a smile to the person seated next to her. As she placed her Dior Gambler Dice Boston Bag on the back of the chair her eyes drifted towards the mediator who was situated in the middle of the small circle. She watched as different individuals made their way into the center. Each of them introducing themselves and sharing personal details about their addiction. A feeling of uncertainty washed over her. Could she trust these persons to keep her identity a secret? She was conflicted on whether or not participating in the open discussion was the best thing to do. Still, this was a recommended activity by a highly rated therapist. If Naomi had thought the individuals couldn't be trusted she wouldn't have insisted Alexandria had attended or participate. Ignoring the vibration of her phone which was inside her bag she made her way into the middle. Running her hand through her hair, she took a deep breath. She opened her mouth to introduce herself but it seemed as if the words wouldn't come out.

"It's okay take your time," The mediator softly voiced behind her.

Nodding at her with a small smile, Alexandria tried again. "My name is Alexandria and I am an addict."

"Welcome Alexandria."

Clearly her throat she continued, "Drugs have always been my go to for as long as I can remember. The high that follows
whenever I decide to pop a pill or snort something I'm not supposed to be snorting is way out of this world. The high makes me feel happy— it makes me feel free. A month ago I tried to commit suicide. I didn't succeed as you can see," Alexandria laughed nervously as she glanced at the faces of the members. "I've been sober for the past month and a half. It's not easy. Some days I'm twitching and scrambling around to feel the high that my body has gotten so accustomed to feeling for the past couple of years but I have a lot of persons depending on me and I guess in a way that's why I have to change."

"Thank you for sharing with us today Alexandria," Joanna, the mediator clasped her hands together. "Normally new comers have a hard time sharing but it seems you've learnt to trust the circle which is the best thing to do. The sooner you realize we're all here to help each other the better your battle with addiction will get."

An awkward silence filled the room as she finished. It wasn't that they didn't like Alexandria, they just couldn't believe someone who seemed to have it all was struggling behind the scenes, still a few persons who understood the complexity of her situation smiled at her in encouragement. A shoulder roughly bumped into her as she made her way into her seat. Rubbing her arm she noticed the lingering scowl on the dark skinned man that had nearly pushed her tiny frame over to entered the middle of the circle. Placing her bag onto her lap as she sat down, she examined him from head to toe. There was something familiar about him but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

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