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"Are you ready to stop holding me hostage?"

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"Are you ready to stop holding me hostage?"

A smile covered Klay's face as he placed another series of kisses onto her shoulder. What was supposed to be a quick one night stand had turned into breakfast, multiple rounds after breakfast, lunch and a steamy shower afterwards to officially seal the deal. To say she was tired was an understatement, Klay had pushed her body to lengths she didn't know were possible, showing her that his stamina was intact both on the court and in the bedroom. Alexandria chuckled as he slightly nibbled on her chest, she finally understood why he had the models in a frenzy. She was never one to hook up with athletes, they came with a combination of too much publicity and drama for her liking. Majority of them were nothing but community dick but there was something about Klay that stood out to her. Not only was he one of the smoothest talker she's ever met, he was very sweet and a beast in the bedroom. Klay grunted as he removed his body from hers, Alexandria sat up as Klay narrowed his eyes on her.

"You're ready to go home?"

"Wow," Alexandria placed her hand on her chest as she titled her head to the side. "I'm finally being allowed to go home?"

Licking his lips, Klay nodded at her. Alexandria slowly removed herself from the bed, stretching her aching body that was in desperate need of a hot bath after the long day. Bending over she picked up her wig that had found it's way onto the ground after the first couple of rounds.

Klay moved behind her, resting his head on her shoulder he asked, "When can I see you again?"

"I thought this was a one time thing."

"If it was an one time thing I would've called you an Uber as soon as the sun came up this morning," He corrected her. "I want to see you, scratch that I have to see you again. After last night there's no way I'm gonna make you slip through my fingers."

"Well Mr. Thompson," Alexandria paused as she turned towards him. Wrapping her arm around his neck she hovered her lips over his, "You know where to find me."


"I'm in here. You can come inside," Alexandria shouted down the hall.

The movement of equipment could be heard as well as the footsteps and talking of multiple individuals. The camera man smiled as he finally made sight of Alexandria, "Hey Alexandria. Thank you so much for having me I know how extremely busy you are."

"It's no biggie. Thank you for coming," Alexandria smiled at him as she reached for the salt container from the kitchen cabinet.

"I'm gonna ask you twenty questions. Sorry, I have to ask what are you cooking?"

"I'm just cooking some Oxtails with Rice and Peas and fried plantains."

"If I must say it smells divine. I definitely need a plate to go," He smiled at her at she told him he didn't have to ask. "Question number two; who would you say was your role model growing up?"

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