18 | the need to know

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Walking inside of the bedroom with a tray filled with food and bottles containing medication in her other hand, "It's time to take your medication."

Nodding at her Nico eased his body up off the bed as pain racked through his entire body. After having surgery to remove the bullets that were in his chest, right shoulder and lower side Alexandria had to pull a few strings in order for him to get cleared to leave the hospital. He thought receiving nine bullets hurt but what really hurt was the recovery from receiving nine bullets. His body ached with pain daily, the only time he truly felt at ease was whenever the pain reliever had kicked in. Being a dealer himself he knew first hand how easy it was for someone to get addicted off any drugs especially prescribed. With that being said he often found himself pretending as if he wasn't in pain to prevent his body from developing a system dependent on the relief the medications provided, "Thank Al."

After receiving the text message about the incident Alexandria was on the first flight over. Nico was family, and Drake understood that. As much as he enjoyed their little vacation especially the private moments she was needed somewhere else. Tagging along would only delay the purpose of her sudden departure and force her to entertain him while trying to focus on Nico and preventing the information about them being together at the hospital from leaking to the media. Travis was more than capable to ensure her well being and he had to place faith in that she didn't need to be around him twenty four seven in order to be protected. He also had a group of friends whom had worked extremely hard in assisting him to pull off an extraordinary tour. It was owed of him to make sure their vacation time wasn't cut short and that they enjoyed every moment of it before it was time to get back to work.

"Eat up," She titled the tray towards him.

Shaking his head at her, Nico removed the cover off one of the dishes. Glancing at the tomato soup inside, "I'm not this sick."

"Hush. No taking, just eating," Alexandria rested the tray with the remaining dishes on the bed side table. Releasing a deep breath she watched as he took small sips from the bowl, his eyes fixated on the television which was on ESPN. The truth was that she was scared. Her life seemed like a constant cycle of whenever something was going according to plan in one area the next area of her life was a complete mess. After finally clearing things up with Drake and realizing where they stood with each other the universe responded to her happiness with Nico getting shot in a drive by. Even though his incident had no correlation with her at all she still felt that by being associated with her he was being surrounded by her bad karma. An ideology her father had instilled into her as a child and no matter how hard she tried to remember Naomi's teachings there was always a lingering voice in the back of her head— his voice reminding her over and over that it would always be her fault.

Unlike Alexandria whom refused to subconsciously accept it Nico didn't fear the idea of death. He had witnessed a lot of fucked up shit during his life. Especially in his early childhood and introduction towards adolescences that made him question his faith towards God and realize that the concept of death wasn't something that needed to be feared. If there was a God so high and mighty why did he allowed him and his siblings to suffer? If there was a God who only thought and provided the best for everyone why would he created him an angel on earth, his soulmate, just to take her away from him before he could officially make her his? Death was a part of life that when presented he wouldn't resist but greet with open arms as bad as it sounded, but the moment death was actually at his doorsteps he didn't want to leave. His entire life had flashed before his eyes and for once he thought his wish of being reunited with his lover was being answered. However in his final minutes, the minutes that would be his last, Alexandria and his siblings were the only thing on his mind. How cruel could he be to leave his siblings without a parental figure? Why would he leave when his relationship with Alexandria was on the verge of being what it was before everything happened? Most importantly what would he say to Alejandra when they were reunited after leaving the person she loved the most behind? As selfless as he wanted to be he couldn't leave. His siblings needed him and Alexandria needed someone at her corner. Someone that knew her before the fame and supported her dreams. Regardless he knew what Alejandra would've wanted. For him to be there for his brothers and sisters while being the support system her sister needed as well.

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