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"I'm not surprised she went to the media."

Using the black hair tie that was around her wrist Alexandria wrapped a section of her box braids into a bun. These past weeks have been the worst weeks of my life, Alexandria sighed as she rubbed the side of her face. After being fired Michelle took to social media to express her distaste. Twisting the situation to make herself out as the victim, Michelle went on full rampage. It didn't take long for the blogs to pick up on the drama and pretty soon Alexandria was the topic of discussion for every social media platform. Michelle's campaign carried on for weeks, conducting interviews with different radio stations to discuss how she was mistreated. Alexandria was furious. She had worked so hard to develop herself as a positive image within the community only for Michelle to destroy it by creating false narratives. However a wise man told her it was best to say nothing at all. In a way that was the best advice. Regardless of what Alexandria decided to do the internet was going to form it's own opinions about the matter. 

"As a fellow black woman herself it's not entertaining seeing her attack you constantly," Naomi wrinkled her nose in disgust. "There's an important lesson to be learnt here. Even though we often find comfort in the arms of older black figures within the community not everyone can be trusted. Michelle is a example of that, based off the information you've shared it's clear to say she's an opportunist who cares about nothing but herself."

"I placed my one hundred percentage of trust into her," Alexandria chuckled to herself bitterly. "This is why I have major trust issues. Everyone I've placed my trust into has disappointed me for reasons I can't explain. Is there something wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you Alexandria," Naomi gaze soften as she stared at her. "You've just placed your trust in the wrong people and that's okay. In some part of our lives we've all trusted one or few persons who've ended up disappointing us. What you need to focus on is finding the right persons to trust."

Alexandria opened her food box that contained her favorite food, Rice and Peas with Curry Mutton and Fried Plantain. "Everyone's painting me out to be the bad guy and I can't even defend myself."

"Do you honestly think if you choose to defend yourself Michelle will cease with her actions?" Naomi chuckled to herself sarcastically. "She'll just continue to spread more lies and you would've created a larger audience to see her foolishness. The best option is to ignore her and allow the story to run itself to the ground."

Alexandria closed her food box and placed it on the counter resting in front of her. Folding her arms over her chest she sat back into her chair. "I'm sorry about not informing you about me leaving the country. It was last minute I just needed a break from everyone and everything."

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