11 | FAV

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October 28th, 2018.

"You're so spoiled," Klay laughed as a gasp left Alexandria mouth at the sight of the stud diamond earrings that were in his hands. Handing her the open box he watched as she slowly removed and placed the earrings in her ears. Turning towards the rear view mirror, she examined the earrings with a huge smile. As she rubbed her finger over them, she turned her attention back towards him. Placing a series of kisses onto his lips in appreciation.

"I take that as you love them," He replied after a couple minutes of kissing. Using her index finger Alexandria gently wiped off the lipgloss that had transferred to his lips. Nodding at his statement Klay shook his head in amusement at how quick her attitude had switched up, "Does this make up for me not being able to make it to dinner last night?"

"It does," The diamonds glistened in the sunset causing her eyes to cast towards the rear view again. Alexandria couldn't keep her eyes away from her ears, the earrings had a complimenting effect on her mahogany skin tone. Pausing slightly, Alexandria tried to figure out how he had knew she wanted these earrings, "How did you find out about these earrings? I don't recall telling you anything about them."

A cheekily smile covered Klay's face at her question. Using his left hand he placed one of her braids behind her ears, "I overheard you talking about them to Noelle so I got them."

"And the diamond necklace?"

"You can't wear diamond earrings without the matching necklace," He nonchalantly responded, "Is there a problem getting someone I'm interested in gifts?"


"Then let's stop talking about it," He pecked her lips lightly. "I'm a very affectionate person. Especially if I'm heavily interested in someone, if you're gonna be with me you're gonna have to get used to the constant gifts, trips, you name it. It's a bad habit of mine."

I can see that, Alexandria thought to herself as she glanced at the Fifty thousand dollars Classic Martini Stud Diamond Earrings that were situated in her ears. "I don't have a problem with the gifts but let's save them for special occasions okay?"

"Mhm," Klay waved her off as his eyes drifted towards the clock. "Shit... I gotta go," He cursed as he turned towards her. Pulling her body over towards the driver's seat he kissed her deeply as Alexandria wrapped her arms around his head. One thing Klay hated about his career was how demanding it was in relations to the time he had for himself and those around him. Even though it was just regular season it was still demanding of consistent and hard practice just like the playoff season. Pecking her on the lips one last time, he placed her back into the passenger seat as Alexandria released a deep breath. After taking a minute to gather herself, Alexandria exited the car. She watched from the drive way as he blew his horn at her before disappearing through the huge black gates. Signalling for the gates to be closed, she smiled to herself as she went back inside.

 Signalling for the gates to be closed, she smiled to herself as she went back inside

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