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Turning slightly to her left, Alexandria glanced over towards the audience with her hand on her hips

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Turning slightly to her left, Alexandria glanced over towards the audience with her hand on her hips. Strutting back down the runway the smiles of well known fashion creatives could be seen not only examining the outfit but the model whom hadn't graced the runways of the fashion world for months. To say they were delighted would be an understatement. Alexandria whom was considered to be one of the best models to ever grace the runway had an ability that sparked the industry's attention from early on into her career. Her ability to not only successfully deliver editorial & runway wise would cause the industry to classify her underneath the category of the best models to ever enter into the industry. Fashion magazines and blogs supported the narrative as well as comparing her to one of the best to ever do it, Naomi Campbell. Where as some would think the comparison would cause drama between both ladies it would instead form a genuine friendship. One that consisted of Naomi closely mentoring Alexandria early on into her career. By taking her underneath her wing for the first couple of years Naomi helped in creating an opportunity for another beautiful and talented black model to successfully dominate the industry otherwise from herself. The links that Alexandria would form from being associated with the fashion icon would help to boost her career, speeding up her process of being a well know fashion model. She always highlighted the fact that she wouldn't be where she was without the help of the veteran model, in which Naomi would correct her by saying she wasn't the one whom had created the platform she had now. All she did was embrace her talent so the world could see it everything else was her doing.

Meeting Michelle was one of the best and worst thing that had ever happened to her. Being managed by one of the industry's best was a plus but the hard ship and trauma that came with being ruled by her wasn't worth it. In the beginning it was smooth seeing as Michelle was an opportunist and Alexandria was hungry for any opportunity being sent her way. However as she started to create her own platform, speaking out about the harsh reality of the fashion industry and it's discriminative ideology towards model of color specifically black models Michelle wasn't there for it. She wanted a pretty face who would follow whatever she said and wouldn't cause any controversy within the industry but Alexandria wasn't here for it. Whether or not her opinion was a controversy that was up to the public but she refused to be silent about issues she had faced before being mentored by Naomi and still faced even after being know as the veteran's protégé . As if it couldn't get any worst Michelle would introduce the young protégé into a means of keeping her energy up— seeing that she was being booked heavily for every and any up coming show. This would start Alexandria's on going addiction, then came the pills or anything she could get her hands on to keep her perky enough to deliver what she was being booked to do. Marijuana which was her only means of being happy while battling her sister's death would have to compete with other high end drugs pharmaceutical and not. Whether it was admitted or not Michelle enabled Alexandria's addiction. A cold hard truth that if ever exposed to the world would ruin not only her career but stance as a wife and mother. The firing of Michelle was long overdue but now that it was done and the air was partially cleared it was hard for Alexandria to find someone she could trust to manage her effectively. She didn't want to sign another shady manager who could expose her secrets or sneakily try to steal from her. Nevertheless the show continued with Noelle stepping up as her manager for the time being, money had to made and she was making sure she collected everything that was due to her.

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