16 | worse

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The month of December would roll in like clock work. The rain which had dominated the ending part of November had finally ceased causing Alexandria to be left with her thoughts and her new found attitude towards the passage of life. 2018 was single-handedly one of the worst years of her life. The journey towards happiness and forgiveness wasn't easy, there had been days in which her only form of happiness was indulging in anything that could blackout everything around her but with time came the change in what was considered to be happiness. She no longer found pleasure in the thought of being high off god knows what, the happiness that she craved for was indescribable. A happiness that she had gotten the glimpse of experiencing before and needed to feel again. Therapy and her newly created sewing room were her holy sanctuary. Never in a million years did she think she would be on the verge of peace with her sister's passing as well as working on the career she had dreamed about for years. It all just seemed too true to be real. Was she alive or was this a projected illusion from hell? A question that infiltrated her mind daily as she found herself shopping for fabrics, creating samples and meeting with different visual creators about the ideas she had in mind for each subset of her collection. A collection that a younger Alexandria had drafted up and never thought would get the opportunity to see the life of day. The universe was finally at her side, granting her everything she could've ever asked for and she couldn't be happier. Life was good.

"Alex. Where are we?" Noelle asked as she glanced around the stretchy neighborhood. A group of boys could be seen sitting at the curve of the street in which they had parked. Their eyes zooming in on the car trying to figure out who would drive a car like that especially into the hood. Opening her door, Alexandria's eyes survey the street she had found herself familiar with as a child. Nostalgic memories slammed against as she placed her feet outside.

"We shouldn't be here Alejandra! Mom and Dad are going to be angry," A smaller Alexandria whispered from the passenger seat. "We're going to be late for school."

"Relax Al, I'm just waiting on a friend," Alejandra replied to her. Glancing outside of her window, she tooted at the horn for them to hurry up. After a couple minutes a caramel skinned toned boy could be seen walking towards the car, his ears covered with one the biggest earphones Alexandria had ever seen.

Alexandria watched as her sister opened the locks which had been closed the entire ride. They were in a sketchy neighborhood in a semi decent car it was only right for them to be extra careful. The mystery boy opened the door and made himself comfortable around the back. Removing his headphones, "Drive."

"Aye! That's not how you talk to someone who drove all the way here to get your ass," Alejandra scolded him through the rear view mirror. Smacking his lips the boy repeated the demand softer causing Alejandra to blow him a kiss and pull off the curve.

"Sorry Lee. I just hate it here," The boy sighed to himself as they finally drove off. As if finally realizing that they weren't the only ones inside of the car his eyes drifted towards Alexandria, "My bad I didn't realize your sister was with us. I'm Nico."

"Nico as in the Nico you have a crush on?" Alexandria's head swiftly turned towards her sister.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you said that he's right there."

Laughing to himself, Nico tried to calm down a blushing Alejandra, "It's okay Alejandra. Who would willing drive all the way over here for simple old me?"

Glancing at him over her shoulder, Alexandria asked him, "Do you like her back?"

"Excuse me."

"I said do you like her back," She narrowed her eyes at him in question. "Nobody gonna play my sister let's get that straight."

Coughing at the sudden change in attitude, "I can assure you that I like your sister. Do I look like someone who wants pity rides? I'm only here because I like being around her energy. It makes me feel calm."

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