20 | teenage fever

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If you had my love and
I gave you all my trust
would you comfort me?
and if somehow you knew
that your love would be
untrue would you lie to me?

Teenager Fever played loudly through the speakers as Alexandria leaned against the marble bathtub. She had been inside of the bathroom for the past hour relaxing in the soothing warm rose petals filled bath that had been waiting for her the moment she arrived from the airport. When the idea of sectioning off one day of the week to work on their relationship was brought up Alexandria was partially against it. Her career was extremely demanding and she was one of the highly requested model in the industry. It was required of her to maintain a schedule that could not only accommodate the demands of the industry but the seasons as well.

However that wouldn't be possible if the second day of every upcoming week was already prescheduled. They were both busy individuals whom schedule left no time for anything outside of work. Just like her, Drake himself had a demanding schedule that required all of his attention. Between spending time with his son, the different studio sessions, special club appearances and any possible surprised performances at festivals— he had his hands full. Nevertheless he was the one who suggested the idea as the way he saw it, as long as you really loved someone you would be willing to make some sacrifices to spend time with them.

Her eyes flew open as footsteps lead towards the bathroom door. Poking his head inside of the bathroom, his eyes glanced over her legs before settling on her face, "You've been in here for an hour."

"My body is extremely sore. I need this," As the playlist shuffled over Alexandria double tapped the screen to replay the song as she closed her eyes again.

"I'm starting to think Teenager Fever is your favorite song from me."

"It's one of my favorites," She answered him.

"If only you knew who it was about," Drake muttered underneath his breath. His ability to write the most beautiful songs about things people wouldn't find amusing was one of his most underrated penmanship talents.

"What was that?" Alexandria asked as she opened one of her eyes.

"Nothing," Drake waved his hands at her. His eyes raked over her body that peaked through the rose petals. Clearing his throat he reminded himself why he was really there, "I'm going downstairs. Do you remember your way to the living room?"

"I think so."

"The guys are here so if you manage to get lost you might run into one of them. If not call me so you don't end up on the other side of the house."

"Okay Dad."

"Keep it up," Drake narrowed his eyes at her before walking out. As she leaned the rest of her lower body further into the bathtub she lost herself inside of her thoughts. Her body at peace as she hummed lowly to the lyrics and thought about how wonderful God had been to her for the past couple of months. It might've been rocky but she was alive and for that she was grateful beyond measures.

Reaching for her strawberry scented lip balm, Alexandria applied it to her lips as the water inside of the bathtub drained down the sink. Strutting out of the bathroom with Drake's bathrobe secured tightly on her body she headed towards her suitcase. Deciding on her oversized champion hoodie and a pair of grey joggers, Alexandria applied her clothes and silk scarf before exiting the room.

"Which way is towards the living room again," She muttered to herself as she tried to figure out if she was still outside of the bedroom or near to the living room. Pausing slightly in her steps, "I'm pretty sure I've passed this painting two times already. This house is so freaking big—"

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