15 | ain't nobody taking my baby

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Drake pinched his nose in irritation as he held the drinking glass filled with wine between his fingers, "What's so special about that nigga? I don't understand. There's nothing special about him."

"Alexandria's a cool ting but I don't think you should be beefing with Klay over a girl you've barely known for a year."

"I'm not beefing with anyone!" Drake exclaimed as he drank the remainder of the wine left in the glass. "I need another glass."

"No more wine," Chubbs took the bottle of wine from his hands. Normally he wouldn't have an issue with Drake's drinking seeing as they all would have a glass of wine or a shot throughout the day but he knew that an emotional Drake and alcohol in the same sentence was never a good idea. Placing the wine bottle on the further end of the marble table, "There's a party tonight. We can't have you stumbling all over the place because you're pissed drunk."

"I've texted her back to back nonstop. I even called Noelle to see if she could leave a message for me and not even she would answer my call."

"Once your girl upset at you her friends upset with you too," Mark shook his head at him.

"Maybe I should text Travis. We always talk but he's been so distant since everything went down. I don't want him to feel like he gotta pick sides but I mean he's the only intent I got on her?" Drake looked up at his group of friends with wide eyes. They had never seen him that pressed over a girl before especially one that wasn't his.

"This is my first time in years seeing you this riled up about a girl. Especially one that's involved with one of your friends," Chubbs narrowed his eyes at him.

"I thought you were over dating girls who were involved with people we know? Remember how that Abel situation went with...."

"I don't want to talk about the past," Drake hissed at Mark who raised his hands in surrender and decided to shut up. "For your information I was with her before she started seeing him. There wasn't any limitations on our relationship in fact she didn't even want to get involved with me in the first place but I managed to convince her."

"Then what happened?"

Sitting back in his chair, he moved the empty wine glass in his hands, "She didn't say it but I think she got involved with him because I was involved with other women. Just think about it. We started hooking up at the beginning of the tour as I said it wasn't anything serious and she was still on the wall about being involved with me but the weekend after we had an argument about me texting other girls she's in the clubs with Klay? That's definitely a ploy to get playback at me."

"You know wah kill me tho," Chubb's Jamaican accent strained out, "This nigga is mad at her for being with Klay but not him for basically pushing her into his arms. You're my boy and everything but you're the one who fucked up. You can't be mad at her for doing the same shit you're doing back to her. If you're serious about being with her and only her you gotta drop all the other girls because that's the only way she's gonna drop him. Just admit you've met your match and start working on getting your girl back."

"How it is that you give the best advice but your relationship is in shambles?" Drake freely spoke with his hands on his chin.

"I'm done!" Chubbs sat up out of his chair and walked inside of the kitchen.

"Chubbs is right though," Mark replied to him. "If you're serious about this girl then you have to stop linking with the other girls. Again, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. There's so much about each other that you two don't know. I'm sure she doesn't know about Adonis and you don't know about her issues with her sister."

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