Chapter 1

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"Chiaku-sama, please don't wander much. You are completely aware that you have no sense of direction."
"That's so cold coming from you, Yukito-San!" a young girl exclaimed. Yukito is a young man with silver hair that flows down his back fastened by a golden tie. He has silver blue eyes and very long lashes. He has pointy ears and translucent wings. He manifests a strong and calm demeanor. Chiaku on one hand, is a young girl with long dark brown hair that resembles a tree bark. Her hair turns red like melted copper when it touches water. She has dark eyes that always sparkles mischief. Her lips are red as blood and she has ears pointy ears like Yukito. Her wings resembles a spider web but as tough as dragon scales. She also has two antlers that she inherited from her father. Needless to say, they are light fairies; Mythical creatures said to kidnap golden haired children but they are actually far from what legend says. They are peaceful creatures hiding from mortals who always prey on the innocent. Chiaku is the only daughter of Queen Chiyo and King Reo, rulers of the hidden moors. Yukito is her childhood friend who looks after her like an older brother should. She is a very carefree creature, trusting strangers easily and this worries him a lot. She easily gets lost often finding herself in strange places.
On her 100th begetting day, which is equivalent to 18 human years, she decided to leave the borders herself. It was late afternoon when she finds herself in a human village. Entranced by the busy creatures, she decided to sneak in, casting a spell on herself to hide her horns and wings. She silently followed two children who were busy chatting to themselves.
"Hi there!"
The children jumped in surprise as they stared widely at Chiaku. Never before have they encountered such a beautiful person.
"Sorry to interrupt, but would you be so kind to tell me the name of this place? Is this dreamland?"
A girl of about the age of 4 giggled. "You're funny lady, it's Namayaka village."
"Oh! What a lively place!"
"We will be having a festival soon. Are you here to visit your family?" The older girl asked her.
"Hold it right there! Stay where you are lady!"
A strange young man with spiky white hair and body covered with scars ran towards their direction.
"Eh? What? Me?" Chiaku noticed him holding the hilt of his sword as if he is preparing to attack. She began to panic, not knowing what she did wrong. As he approaches, she started to run back to the woods as fast as she could. Thinking the she lost him, she slowed down and hid herself under a willow tree. She panted, clutching her chest. Humans can also be scary.
"What just happened?"
As she closed her eyes, she felt something cold against her neck. She gasped when she looked back at the guy who was chasing her earlier.
"Make a move and I will cut that pretty neck of yours." The scarred guy snarled. Tears started to fall as her blood red lips started to quiver.
"Mah, Mah.. Sanemi. You're scaring her."
"Hah?! Stop the act lady! You think I didn't notice your scheme earlier?!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, young sir! Please let me go! I only got curious and wanted to see humans up close!"
Sanemi laughed maniacally. "So you're admitting you are one hell of a demon, huh?!"
"What?! No!"
All of a sudden she felt something wrap around her body and saw a boy with bandages wrapped around his mouth and snake  around his neck.
"Please let me go!"
"There's no use resisting, lady. Do you have any last words?" Sanemi glared at her, threatening to swing his sword against her. She started sobbing, "I shouldn't wander far. I should have listened to Onii-sama. He was right. Humans are evil!" Chiaku cried in despair.
"Ara, ara... Demons like you should not accuse us as such. Weren't you the ones feeding on our blood?" Shinobu smiled at her.
"How dare you call me a demon?! My kin has never been in contact with your kind for a long time!" Chiaku struggled as she tries to free herself from tight bonds placed by Iguro.
"Stop making up stories!"
"I'm not!"
She glared at back at Sanemi, while her tears keep on falling. Her unwavering fear angered him more. He started to swing his sword aiming at her neck to deliver a swift blow. All of a sudden, Kaburamaru, Obanai's snake crawled towards her and hissed at Sanemi as if he was protecting her.
The three pillars stared in shock as they know Obanai's pet is very loyal to its master and will never try to defend any demon.
"Hmm.. Interesting. What do you think Sanemi?"
Shinobu asked as she knelt down in front of the strange girl. Kaburamaru kept in hissing.
"Kaburamaru, what's wrong?"
The snake did not respond to its master, instead it keeps on protecting the stranger in front of them.
"Hmph! Fine! Perhaps Oyakata-sama and the others will know what to do with her. Come, demon!"
"How many times do I have to tell you? I am not a demon! I'm a light fairy!"
Sanemi's laugh echoed the forest. "Who do you think you are trying to fool, huh?!"
"I am not trying to fool you! Ugh! These ropes!" She released herself with all her strength, revealing her beautiful elongated wings and stunning horns. This shocked the pillars even more. The snake ran to her happily as she pats its head gently. "Thank you, Kaburamaru, is it?"
"A demon with wings!"
Her voice echoed and covered her mouth instantly in embarrassment.
"Well, she must really be a fairy." Shinobu smiled, clasping her hands. Chiaku smiled back innocently.
"You can't possibly believe her, Kocho!"
Shinobu simply smiled at him. Sanemi got the message and huffed in annoyance.
"Please come with us, fairy."
"Oh no! I must refuse! The sun is setting. I should be home by now. Nobody knows I left. My parents will be furious. I-"
She turned back around and was about to flee when she realised, she's lost.
She started crying again.
"What are you crying about, weakling?!"
"I don't know my way back!"
"Come with us then, we can help you find your home." Shinobu kindly offered.
"Our master knows these lands, he can help you."
"Thank you! I am called Chiaku. Nice to meet you," The fairy curtsied and Shinobu smiled back.
"What a lovely creature you are! You can call me Shinobu. Sanemi, Obanai, why don't you introduce yourselves?"
Obanai ignored them as he picked up his snake who still seems to be entranced by her. Sanemi scoffed, arms crossed.
"How rude! You guys must have something to call yourselves. If you won't tell me your names, I shall give you one."
She pointed at Sanemi, "Scrapewood" then at Iguro, "Jellybean". Ticks visibly appeared on their foreheads while Shinobu laughed softly.
"Ignore them Chiaku, Oyakata-sama must be waiting."
"Oh! Okay!"
Chiaku flapped her wings excitedly as she held Shinobu's hand.

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