Chapter 4

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"Wait! I have few more questions!"
"Shut up! Oyakata-sama has to retire early!"
Chiaku look back worriedly. "About that-" "I said shut up! You're already a burden to me, you know that?!"
"You could have refused!"
"I did, you piece of shit! Shut up or I'll drop you!"
"I can walk, you know?"
Sanemi smirked. "Fine then. Walk."
He carelessly dropped her on a pond. A loud shriek and splash of water can be heard, followed by Sanemi's evil laugh. She glared at the culprit as she emerged from the water. His laughter faded away when he saw her hair turned red.
"How dare you?!"
He grinned evilly. "Well, well... You have lots of surprises red-haired reindeer..."
"I am not a reindeer! Argh!" She lifted a patch of light from the water and aimed at Sanemi which he successfully avoided.
"You're pretty useless, don't you think? I can easily kill you this way."
"Go ahead. Let's see what will your Oyakata-sama do to you if you committed such act."
Sanemi frowned. "Don't push your luck, Princess."
He pulled her out from the water and threw her over his shoulder. "Ouch! Put me down!"
"You will only slow us down." Sanemi argued.
"Why can't you do it properly? And you are so mean to me since we met!"
"I said shut up or I will drop you again!"
"Hmph!" Chiaku made a turn around as she is flexible enough much to her advantage and much to Sanemi's annoyance.
"Oi! Stop moving!"
Chiaku ignored the irritated pillar and continued doing it until she is positioned behind him in a piggyback ride. Her arms snaked around his neck.
"What do you think you are doing?!"
"Making myself comfortable," she replied as she leaned on him closer.
"Who told you can do that?! I am not your freaking slave!"
"You're the one who insisted on carrying me! And don't you know any nice words?"
Both of them continued on bickering against each other while Sanemi supports her legs to keep her from falling.
Meanwhile, the other pillars who actually followed them simply out of curiosity, were hiding behind trees and bushes. These strong, highly respected warriors are also very nosy people and it is not always they catch something interesting.
"If this happens late at night, they will surely wake up the entire neighborhood." Obanai who was sitting on a tree branch, commented.
Mitsuri giggled, "They are so cute together!"
"You mean a human and a fairy?" Obanai asked with brows furrowed. "Besides this is Sanemi we are talking about."
"Mah, Iguro-kun love is love after all! Look at the way he carries her. He's actually being gentle! She is also very beautiful!"
"Only because Oyakata-sama asked him to keep her unharmed also, I could not imagine Shinazugawa being a charmer," Uzui countered.
"Ha! What's more interesting is that fairies really do exist and Oyakata-sama has actually befriended one when he was a boy. We did not have a chance asking him about that though." Rengoku grinned, feeling more thrilled about their discovery.
"He might explain more about it tomorrow. We will be having a pillar meeting after all." Shinobu assured them with a smile. Giyuu remained composed as usual but his eyes shows curiosity as well.
On the other side of the road, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke who dragged Genya and Murata with them are also hiding.
"See that Murata! I told you! We told you! That's a real fairy! It's a fairy! With wings and silky hair! She's so pretty I'm gonna die!" Zenitsu exclaimed as he pulled Murata's collar and shook him.
"I can see that baka!" Murata irritatingly hit him while Tanjiro tried to silence them both. They will be killed by Shinazugawa once they're caught. Inosuke simply laughed menacingly but didn't say anything. No one figured out what he had in mind although Zenitsu thought that it is something ridiculous again. Genya simply stared at his brother's retreating figure in shock. Whether due to the fact that he carries a real live fairy or due to sudden realization that his own brother will be bringing home someone for the very first time.

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