Chapter 8

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Sanemi woke up when he felt the sun touching his face. He sat up groggily and yawned.
"Oi wake- huh?"
The spot where Chikau was sleeping is empty. He started panicking deep inside. Several thoughts rushed into his mind. She sounded sad last night. What if she ran away and was eaten by demons? He rushed towards the door and saw a bewildered fairy who is preparing the dining table.
"Good morning, Sanemi!" She greeted him enthusiastically the panting pillar. He sighed in relief.
"Is something wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"
"No- Hmm? Why do you always prepare food as if we are having a feast. This isn't your castle, you know?"
"I'm coming with you back to the estate and so I thought it would be nice to bring food for everyone."
"At my own expense?"
"I said I am going to pay you."
He took a bite on his omelette and glanced sideways. He noticed what she is wearing and it seemed very familiar to him.
"What the hell are you wearing?!"
"I have to borrow your clothes."
"What have you done to it?!"
Indeed Chiaku made a few adjustments to Sanemi's training garments so it would fit her. The white top was made into a cropped shirt with a bow knot in front. Her shoulders and back exposed so her wings can move freely. Sanemi's baggy pants were trimmed so it won't be long for her.
"Oh, well I have made a few adjustments so it would fit. I'm sorry. I'll just pay you back, I promise."
Sanemi can feel his vein throbbing and blood pressure rising up. "Just finish your meal. I have a pillar meeting today."
"Hmm, okay." Chiaku answered back, feeling slightly worried that she angered him again.
When they arrived at the estate, the wind pillar is bewildered to see all the members of the demon corps gathered up. Chiaku followed him behind carrying a huge basket with her, her wings fluttering against the wind and feet slightly above the ground. She looked around and feels flustered to see all new eyes on her.
"Oi Rengoku, what's going on? I thought we are just having a pillar meeting?"
"Ah, good morning Shinazugawa! Why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"
"Stop making fun of me! You didn't answer my question!" Sanemi snapped back while the flame pillar keeps on laughing. All of a sudden, a boy with unruly orange hair and red tips appeared behind Kyojuro. The boy seems to be of Tanjiro's age and resembles his brother but with much softer features. The said boy stared at her with wide eyes. Chiaku stared back with eyes sparkling. She knelt down and put her basket aside. She gently pulled the boy towards her and gave him a hug. Senjuro blushed heavily and looked at his brother. Kyojuro simply gave him a grin and thumbs up.
"You'll suffocate him, Chiaku!"
"Let's adopt him. In fact let's adopt all those children I saw yesterday."
"Hah? The hell are you talking about?! That's Rengoku's brother! And stop saying nonsense with a straight face!"
Rengoku laughed hard. "So you're already planning on having children, Sanemi!" The flame pillar elbowed him.
"Hah?! No, we are not! And Chiaku let go of him!"
"But he is so cute! Kyojuro-san, give him to me. I'll give you anything back in return."
Rengoku laughed then looked at her with a serious face. "I'm sorry, Chiaku. My brother is very dear to me and my father. I cannot simply give him to you. I only brought him here since Oyakata-sama said he will introduce you to all members and Senjuro here seemed very excited to know about seeing a real fairy."
Rengoku ruffled his brother's hair while Senjuro blushed in embarrassment. Chiaku pouted and gave him another hug.
"But he is so cute!"
"Just let go of him, Reindeer!"
Chiaku sighed sadly as she let go of the boy. Senjuro take another look at her and smiled at his brother.
"Where are the rest of the pillars?"
"Ah, they're coming late. Don't worry, they will all come."
Meanwhile the other members of the demon corps, all from different ranks stated at the winged creature with awe. They were already informed beforehand about their unexpected visitor and that they cannot harm her. There are soft whispers around but they were all silenced when the wind pillar glared at them icilly.

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