Chapter 11

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Due to the unexpected attack, Kagaya called for an emergency pillar meeting and it involves Kamado, Zenitsu and Inosuke who happened to be there prior and during the assault.
"I have never seen that girl with so many emotions. Isn't she supposed to be a happy-go-lucky airhead?" Sanemi irked at Uzui's side comment but didn't say a thing.
"What surprised me most is the way she fought earlier. I realized she could be very deadly when she wants to be. I say that pair of wings is an asset if it can turn into a useful  weapon!" Rengoku said in a thrilled voice.
"True colors of people will appear once pushed to their limits. But putting herself in front of those children without anticipating that she herself can be killed is very noble indeed," Gyomei added, tears streaming down his face.
"Are you okay, Shinazugawa?" Iguro asked when he noticed the wind pillar's tense and serious face. Giyuu and Muichirou looked at their direction upon hearing Iguro.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke arrived with the five children who have glued themselves to Tanjiro.
"Sorry for the delay! I have to put Nezuko back to her room."
Tanjiro looked at Sanemi with worry who is unusually quiet. He is usually agitated for no reason and would always say something nasty to them. He took a short sniff and could sense that Sanemi is very worried about something.

Chiaku arrived with Shinobu and Mitsuri who never left her side since the attack. The fairy princess bowed at them.
"I'm sorry for making everyone worry."
Sanemi scoffed. "If you are that sorry you should have not left the way you did."
"I didn't have a choice!"
"You're getting full ahead of yourself! You should have said something before rushing on your own, stupid!"
Chiaku bit her lip after being reprimanded by Sanemi. He may have a point though. After all, she did not have experience with demons until now.
Sanemi felt something poked him. He looked down and saw the five children scowling at him. The winged boy has a wooden stick with him.
"Hime-sama isn't stupid, you giant yak!"
"Meanie!" The young fairy pointed at him.
"Let's beat him!"
"Taka-kun, no!"
The winged boy lead the assault, poking and hitting Sanemi with his stick. The boy with pointed ears threw pebbles at him, hitting Sanemi right on his face. Rengoku praised the boy inwardly for his good aim. The other three just keep on hitting him with whatever they have on hand. The other pillars watch in amusement while Tanjiro starts to worry since he can sense that Sanemi is starting to lose his patience.
"Enough, you brats!!!" Sanemi burst in anger, fists on air. The children looked at him in fear and ran to hide behind Chiaku, tears welling on their eyes.
"Sanemi, they're just children."
"They should be disciplined better!"
"You're a bad guy! I will not let anyone hurt Hime-sama since she is going to marry me!" The winged boy shouted.
There is an abrupt silence. Sanemi looked at the boy disbelievingly.
"Ano... Aren't you a little young, Taka-kun, is it?" Mitsuri asked the boy. The latter looked at her and blinked twice.
"Hmm... You look pretty."
"Eh?!" Mitsuri started sweating bullets because of embarrassment.
Obanai flinched and glared at the said boy, a vein popped on his forehead.
"I shall make you my wife as well."
Obanai hissed and moved in front of Mitsuri. "You have guts you abominable brat! Stay away from Kanroji!"
"Don't get in my way, ugly!"
Obanai growled in anger. "I am going to pluck your feathers and feed you to snakes, brat!"
The boy gasped when he noticed his threatening aura and cried aloud.
"Iguro-San, stop scaring him!" Tanjiro pulled the boy towards him. The serpent pillar scoffed and crossed his arms. Mitsuri keeps on blushing nonstop.
A boy with webbed ears and hands silently went towards Muichirou. A boy with pointy ears followed him. The mist pillar looked down when he felt someone tug on his robes.
"You have beautiful hair like the corals."
The caramel haired boy nodded in agreement. "Uhn!"
"I want a strand, please!"
Muichirou looked at them awkwardly, not knowing what to respond.
The only girl in the group squealed in happiness when she spotted her savior. She fluttered her wings towards him. Her flight being unstable probably because she is yet young.
"Onii-sama! I have something for you! Hold out your hand!"
Giyuu knelt down and did as he was told, looking aloof as usual.
A blue gemstone dropped on his palms. "When I grow up, I am going to marry you! That's a promise!" The girl told Tomioka excitedly as she held out her pinky.
Rengoku laughed aloud. "You are such adorable children! Ah! Why don't you introduce yourselves to us?"
"Are you going to play with us?" The little fairy asked shyly. Rengoku sweatdropped. "Eh? Haha..."
The children blinked at him then they all rushed to him, jumping and introducing themselves simultaneously.
"Ma, ma... So full of energy! My brother will be delighted to meet you all!"
Chiaku laughed softly at their antics and hushed the over energetic kids.
"Perhaps, I should do the honor then. This beautiful lass here is Non. She is an earth fairy. Her mother is a dryad, a tree nymph. Her father is a light fairy, also my mother's cousin." Non peeked at Giyuu and gave him a wide smile.
She went towards orange haired boy. "This is Kei. He is the youngest descendant of a nine-tailed fox."
Sanemi frowned. "I can only see three."
"That is because he is still young. A gumiho can have their nine tails when they reach 100. By that time, they can also fully transform themselves."
"I am 25 though! Soon I'll get nine tails like Otou-san!"
"Eh? 25? You're actually older than us?!" Zenitsu asked in surprise.
Chiaku laughed. "I think we live in a different time line, Zenitsu-kun. Our time back home moves faster than yours yet we age very slow. He might just be a toddler in human years."
"Ooohhh!!!" Tanjiro's crimson eyes sparkled in interest and excitement.
"You're getting excited, Tanjiro." Zenitsu sweatdropped.
"Wait a minute, a gumiho? Yokai?" Muichirou asked.
"Hai. There are different creatures back home and we all live harmoniously."
Shinobu smiled bitterly and inwardly thought that if demons and humans can only get along well the way they do, there won't be any bloodshed and they will be living their lives normally.
"These two are Dadaimaru and Haru."
"We are best friends!" The cyan haired boy exclaimed while holding the hand of the timid looking boy with pointy ears.
"Dadaimaru belongs to the merfolk who live in the deepest ocean."
"I can also do this! Watch!"
Dadaimaru skipped towards the pond and got a giant bubble of water. He molded it into different shapes which amazed his audience.
"Haru is the most well behaved in the group. He doesn't speak much like his older brother. He is an elf. Elves are the tallest amongst the fair beings and they are trained to be great hunters and archers at a young age."
"Hmm! It's no wonder he has a good aim!" Rengoku grinned at the boy who gave him an innocent puzzled look in return.
"And this one here-"
"I am Taka! I'm a tengu and we live in the mountains! Ojii-san said we are the strongest and best looking and we can have as many girls as we want!" Taka winked at Mitsuri which angered Obanai once again and looked at the young tengu darkly. "I am going to roast this kid alive..."
Inosuke rushed towards the boy, trembling in excitement.
"Mountains! Haha! I'm the God of Mountains, Hashibira Inosuke! Don't you forget that!"
Taka blinked at him, "Hn. Nice to meet you Habashira Kerosuke."
Zenitsu spit out the drink he is having and rolled onto the ground laughing, clutching his stomach and teary eyed. "That's what we call karma!"
"The hell you say, Monitsu?!"
"It's Zenitsu!"
Tanjiro sighed as he helplessly watch his friends fight each other.

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