Chapter 12

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"What is taking Oyakata-sama so long?"
"Patience Sanemi. What is wrong with you today?" Uzui asked. Sanemi ignored him, his mind off somewhere. Uzui noticed the wind pillar looking at the fairy's direction.
Chiaku laughed softly while watching the children play with Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Inosuke. The flame, water and mist pillars were unfortunately being dragged along. Obanai on the other hand, stayed close to Mitsuri who keeps on blushing. Shinobu offered her handkerchief to the pink-haired girl because she keeps on sweating.
"By the way Manjiro, where is Mazuko?"
Tanjiro sweatdropped. The young tengu is very similar to Inosuke, probably because they were raised at the mountains? "Ano, Taka-kun, Nezuko has to rest so she is sleeping in her room right now."
Taka crossed his arms and frowned as if he is in deep thought. Mitsuri squealed at his cuteness much to the serpent pillar's annoyance.
"Hmm, I should go to her right now so I can ask her to marry me."
"Hah?! Over my dead body! How dare you! Nezuko is mine! The hell you're blabbering about?! As if she's going to marry you! A brat like you?! Nezuko-chan is going to marry me! You hear me?! She's mine, you tiny rooster!"
"I'm more handsome than you, giant scarecrow!"
"Screw you! I don't care what kind of creature you are! I am going to roast you and serve you for dinner!"
Taka squeaked then cried aloud.
"Zenitsu! Stop! You're making him cry!" Tanjiro rushed to comfort the young tengu. Zenitsu huffed and scowled at the boy.
"Stupid brat." Iguro muttered to himself as he watches.
"Scarecrow aho!" Taka ran to Inosuke as he cried out loud.
"Oi what are you doing pipsqueak?! Get off me!"
Inosuke shook off his leg but Taka's grip is really strong.
"Aaaaahhhhh!!! Nii-chan, help me!"
Inosuke blushed under his mask and glared at Zenitsu.
"Oi Monitsu! How dare you make my disciple cry!"
Tanjiro looked at his friend dumbfoundedly. "Eh? Disciple?"
"No one is allowed to go near my Nezuko-chan! I am going to roast you alive together with that chicken, you pig!"
"Stop fighting you two!"
Small stones hit the three of them on their vital points, causing them to drop on the ground altogether.
"You're too noisy." Muichuiro stared at the three of them indifferently while bouncing a pebble on hand.
Tanjiro cried inwardly. "Why me too?"
Mitsuri thought how cool Tokito is and squealed inwardly.
The young elf, Haru looked at him, his eyes sparkling with awe.
Haru tugged on his robe and lifted his arms.
"What? You want me to carry you?"
Muichuiro looked at the boy intently then bent to pick him up. Haru seemed flustered despite his usual stoic baby face. He leaned closer, burying his face on his neck.
Mitsuri squealed at the adorable sight in front of her. "Can I carry him too, Muichuiro-kun?"
Haru looked at Mitsuri innocently.
"Kyaa! You're so cute Haru-chan! You're so round and plump!" Mitsuri blushed as she pokes his cheek. Haru looked at her shyly then went back on hugging Muichuiro.
Rengoku laughed. "He's so attached on you, Tokito."
"You're the one to talk." Muichuiro stared at the flame pillar who has Kei playing on his hair.
"Nii-chan! You're hair looks like my tails!"
Rengoku smiled at the young fox. "Hmm! Did you know it's a lucky color?"
Kei grinned widely and hugged the flame pillar even more.
"What are we going to do with these children?" Sanemi asked sternly.
"I'll look after them. After all, they followed me here and I still have to figure out how to get us back."
Sanemi felt a sudden heartache upon hearing Chiaku's words. If only she left sooner, he won't be feeling this way and things will go back to once they were.
"Good afternoon once again my cute warriors."
They all turned and bowed down upon hearing Kagaya's voice. They all looked up at their master and all eyes widened in disbelief.

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