Chapter 20

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"Stay close to me."
Chiaku smiled back and entwined her pinky with his. The sudden touch sent shivers to the wind pillar's spine. He is looking straight ahead so she won't notice his blushing face.
Sanemi clicked his tongue and grabbed her hand gently. Chiaku gave him a questioning look.
"Do you want your finger to break or something?"
Chiaku's heart starts beating rapidly, warmth spread through her cheeks.
"Not a word." Sanemi warned. "I can't lose you in the crowd. Oyakata-sama will have my head."
The wind pillar suddenly feels annoyed at her silence. "Oi, say something."
"Ano, Sanemi? Are you still mad at me?"
Sanemi pursed his lips. So this is all about that.
"I'm not. Just, just don't annoy me that much."
Chiaku smiled widely and hugged his arm, causing him to blush madly. "Oi! I just told you not to annoy me!"
"I'm so glad!"
Sanemi exhaled. "You are not going to speak about this to anyone back at the headquarters, you understand me, Uggo?"
Chiaku nodded back.

"Eeeekkk!!! How dare he call such beautiful creature Uggo?! That brute!"
Genya hit Zenitsu for badmouthing his brother.
"This is boring. What on earth are they doing?"
Genya punched Inosuke for that comment. He won't allow anyone to ruin his brother's date. Murata and Tanjiro feel uncomfortable for following Shinazugawa.
"So, you boys are spying on them too?"
The boys gave manly shrieks when Kyojuro, Tengen and Muichiro suddenly appeared behind them.
"Hashira!" Murata trembled in fear. Tanjiro covered his mouth immediately.
"So, this is a date?" Muichiro asked.
"It must be! The others will surely be envious for missing out something interesting!" Tengen commented.
"Ano, Tokito-kun? Aren't you supposed to be with Haru and the others?" Tanjiro asked with slight worry plastered on his face.
"They will be fine. They won't notice I disappeared."
Tanjiro and the others sweatdropped.
"I don't think that's the case..."

Back at the estate...
The children kept on crying and screaming, with Taka as the loudest.
"Mui-niisan, where are you?!"
"Mui-nii! Mui-nii!"
"I want Mui-nii!"
Haru sobbed quietly in a corner while Shinobu pats his head.
Hijemima looks very troubled. Although he has taken care of children before, he has no idea how to calm fae children down.
Giyuu is boiling deep down while trying to maintain a calm composure. He wanted to strangle the youngest pillar for leaving them behind.
"Ara, ara... What's going on?" Mitsuri arrived together with Obanai.
"Tokito the bastard escaped." Giyuu tries to keep his cool but his tone and eyes say otherwise. Mitsuri squealed inwardly on how an angry Tomioka looks cool.
"What happened back there? Did you learn something about the fairy queen?" Shinobu asked while carrying a sobbing baby elf.
"Nothing much so we decided to leave. Why are these brats throwing tantrums?" Obanai asked as he watch Gyomei struggling to calm the kids down. Kagaya's children simply watch them at the sidelines, well behaved as they usually are. Mitsuri clapped her hand, earning the attention of the children.
"Ano... Why don't we play a game?"
"Kanroji don't!"
The love pillar simply smiled at the serpent pillar.
The children stared at the pink-haired girl, sniffing as they all toned down.

Back to Sanemi and Chiaku, the wind pillar leaned closer to her and whispered. The Kamaboko squad and three nosy pillars moved closer. People are looking at them curiously. No matter how hard they try to hide, they stand out too much.
"Don't try to initiate a conversation, I will and you have to listen to everything I tell you, got it?"
They arrived at the closest human market much to the fairy's delight. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. The wind pillar held her hand to keep her close.
"Augh! They are holding hands! He must be in heaven!"
The other boys hit Zenitsu in reflex, silencing him.
"It is so lively, Sanemi!"
"Of course it is, baka. Festival is fast approaching."
"Oh! That sounds exciting!"
Sanemi noticed an old woman coming their way.
"Look, whatever happens, just play along, alright?"
The fairy looked at him in confusion but agreed nevertheless.
"What a lovely couple you are! Are you here for some clothes? I have lots of beautiful fabric suited for the lady."
Chiaku beamed but Sanemi won't have any of it. He pulled her towards him and glared at the old seller.
"No, thank you. My wife and I are just here for sightseeing."
Chiaku blushed slightly for that remark.
"But if you could just-"
"No, thank you." Sanemi sternly replied and pulled Chiaku's hand as they quickly walk away.
"Hah?! Wife?! Did he just call her his wife?! The nerve!"
"Oi!" Genya, Tanjiro and Murata hit Zenitsu once again.
Kyojuro and Tengen looked at the couple dumbfounded.
"Are they secretly married?" Tokito asked. Tengen shrugged. "Who knows? Remember she mentioned about last night?"
Rengoku hummed in agreement. Zenitsu came back to life upon hearing the emphasized phrase.
"Last night?! What happened between them last night?! Did he just tainted the innocent princess?"
Zenitsu received another triple punch on the head.
"Be quiet, you nincompoops. We are going to lose them." Muichiro scolded the hunter rookies as he watches the couple walk away. "Then I will never find out what a date is."
The males stared at him in shock.
"I never thought you will be interested in something like that. Did someone catch your eye?" Rengoku asked in a teasing tone.
"Are you not?"
Tanjiro raised his hand. "I don't know how date works so I'm curious as well!"
Zenitsu sweatdropped. "You're hopeless, country bumpkin."
Inosuke cratched his ear and made a grunting noise. "Is that a new battle strategy?"
Both Zenitsu and Murata sighed while the other two pillars watch the interaction with amusement. Genya on the other hand, never left his gaze on the two.

They arrived at a small store that emits a very sweet smell. A middle-aged man greeted them with enthusiasm.
"Oh Sanemi! You came back soon! Did something happen? It's very rare of you to come back for restocks early of the month. Sanemi scowled and crossed his arms. Chiaku looked at the said man sheepishly.
"Oh! And who is this pretty lady you stole from Benzaiten?"
Shinazugawa is about to speak when Chiaku interrupted.
"My name is Chiaku, my lord."
"Eh? My lord?"
Shinazugawa sent her a warning glare but the fairy did not take the hint and ignored him.
"What an honor to finally meet you! It seems to be that my Meleth nin comes here often. I'm glad he finally brought me here!"
"Meleth nin?"
Chiaku gave Sanemi a quick hug. "He's the love of my life!"
Sanemi stiffened for that statement and sent the fairy a death glare. The fairy responded with a mouthed what. The wind pillar mentally facepalmed and took a sharp intake of breath. The store owner blinked several times and looked at Sanemi then back at Chiaku. He grinned widely and put an arm around Sanemi's shoulder.
"You have a great taste in women, my boy!"
Chiaku shrugged and went to look around. The fuming wind pillar glared at her back before giving the man a forced smile.
After buying some sweets and ingredients, they went to look for a stall that might sell some drinks that Chiaku has been dying to try.
Sanemi pulled Chiaku in a corner. This alerted the eavesdropping squad. They quickly moved closer hiding behind carts, lamp posts and bushes.
"Are they kissing?"
"I don't know, I can't see!"
"Stop pushing me!"
"Move your ass, Monitsu!"
"Be quiet, you guys!"

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