Chapter 24

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"Eeekkk! We can't find enough information this way! This is so frustrating! Shinazugawa-san should make a move on her already!"
"Calm down, Mitsuri-San. It is obvious that he likes Chiaku." Shinobu assures the love pillar with a smile.
"Also, Shinazugawa is a tsundere at heart even if he denies it to his very death." Iguro added.
"I want to see some action, Iguro-kun! There should be a progress by now! Some sparkling romance I want to see! Otherwise I don't deserve to be a love pillar!"
Shinobu sweatdropped. "This has nothing to do with your job as a pillar though."
Kanroji slammed her hands on the table, startling the two. "I had enough of this! If he won't do anything, I'll force him to do it!"
"Kanroji no-"

Sanemi was walking out of his dojo when Mitsuri suddenly blocked his way, frowning at him.
"This can't be! How can you be so stupid, Shinazugawa-san?"
"This is not the way how you treat a girl!"
"Kanroji! Yo Shinazugawa."
"Obanai. What is going on?"
"Nothing important. Sorry for the trouble." Shinobu showed an uneasy smile as she pulls Kanroji with her.
"What do you mean nothing important, Shinobu-sa hmff!"
Shinobu covered Mitsuri's mouth as the love pillar struggles from her grip. Sanemi scoffed.
"If it isn't important. I'm going."
"Shinazugawa, where's your spacey reindeer?"
Sanemi irked at Iguro. "She's playing with the kids and what do you mean mine?!"
All of a sudden, Kei and Haru jumped out of nowhere and clutched on Sanemi's leg.
"What do you want this time?"
Kei grinned at him mischievously. "Tou-chan! We're playing hide-and-go-seek-cute-things, you have to hide us, Tou-chan!"
Sanemi blushed furiously. He picked up the children quickly and ran as fast as he could.
"Nani?! You can't just run away like that without explaining, Shinazugawa-kun!"
Mitsuri faced her companions who are just as shocked as her. She gave them a determined look. "Are we just going to let him leave like that?! I, Kanroji Mitsuri shall witness every second of this unlikely romance and I will never let it slide! Come on, we are on a mission!"
Kanroji pulled their hands, ignoring their slight protests.

*sorry for the delay guys, I'm still busy with my school requirements and please forgive me if this chapter is quite short. I'd love to hear your thoughts of this story and thanks for the support! - alexa

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