Chapter 6

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Sanemi slowly slid the bathroom door open, cautious enough not to disturb the annoying fairy who is happily humming to herself on the other side, soaking in a tub, her back turned against him. He carefully laid the clothes he prepared for her on the tatami mat. He made a swift glance while he closes the door and looked at her beautiful red hair and pale shoulders. He gulped. His heart started beating hard again and he can feel his cheeks flaming.
Damn this heart! What the hell am I doing?! I could have knocked or just leave the damn clothes outside for all I care! Get hold of yourself, Sanemi!
Mad at himself, he unconsciously slammed the door surprising his guest. He blushed heavily as soon as he realized his mistake. He ran outside and drenched himself with water from his well.
What are you doing, idiot?
"Eh? Shinazugawa? What are you doing?" Iguro suddenly popped up surprising the wind pillar who gave out a very manly scream.
The other pillars went out from their hiding giving him puzzled and innocent looks, which, by the way, do not suit them at all. This angered Sanemi even more.
"The hell are you doing in my place?!"
"Calm down Shinazugawa and what are you doing taking a bath outside with your clothes on?" Kyojuro asked. Shinazugawa hissed in reply when Hijemima interrupted asking if he is doing some kind of ritual.
Tengen laughed merrily. Being married to three gave him a lot more experience than the others and he can already guess what is going on.
"Don't tell me, you are making a move on your first day together? How bold of you."
"The hell you say?!"
"Oh? That's quick! Must be love at first sight! Congratulations Shinazugawa!" Rengoku happily told the wind pillar.
"I support you, Shinazugawa-kun!" Mitsuri clapped her hands in glee.
"I don't know what you are saying! And go home all of you!"
Muichuiro clasped his hand together. "I finally figured it out. You have a crush on that fairy and you're just pretending to be irritated at her the whole time. That's a new low." His companions laughed at him teasingly causing his face to redden once again.
"What did you say brat?!" Sanemi is attempted to crush the youngest pillar's skull if only Rengoku didn't stop him.
"Stop acting so guilty, Shinazugawa. Red doesn't suit you." Iguro added.
"You're blushing, Shinazugawa-san. So, is it true?" Shinobu asked.
"Just go home all of you, will you?!"
They all turned to the owner of that voice. Rengoku and Tengen covered their noses that start dripping blood.
The now red-haired Chiaku is currently wearing an oversized shirt, exposing her pale shoulders and smooth legs.
"What the hell are you doing outside?! And what are you wearing?! Didn't I give you a pair of pants as well?!"
"I heard a ruckus outside so I wondered what's going on and your pants don't fit me. Oh, hi everyone!" The fairy waved happily, ignoring the dark aura Sanemi is emitting. The wind pillar started hissing and used one of his breathing techniques to push Chiaku back inside, then closed the door aloud. The fairy yelled and banged at the door only to shut up when Sanemi threatened to tie her up on a chair. His companions flinched when they noticed the evil glint in his eyes as he starts cracking his knuckles. They scrambled and disappeared immediately without saying a word.
Sanemi sighed and opened the door of his house, revealing a confused and slightly frightened fairy. "Get up."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I only heard some shouting so I got worried and your pants don't really fit me well."
"That's the smallest one I have. Just cover yourself properly, will you?"
"But I am well-dressed."
Sanemi's eye twitched. He doesn't know what to respond anymore.
"Why are you soaked?" Chiaku gasped in realization. "You wanted to take a shower? You could have joined me."
"Hah?! The hell are you saying?!"
"Huh? Did I say something wrong? It is always nice to have a companion when taking a bath!"
Sanemi grabbed her shoulders and looked at her darkly. "Never ever ask a guy to join you in a bath."
"But why?"
"Stop asking questions! I'll take a bath now!" He made a quick turn, pointing a finger on her in a threatening manner. "Stay inside."
Chiaku shook her head in response. Several questions clouded her mind but getting a direct answer from Sanemi is difficult.
"I know! Let's eat together! I'll make dinner for you!"
"Do what you want and leave me alone."
Chiaku pouted sadly as the wind pillar walks away, muttering something incomprehensively to himself.

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