Chapter 9

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One by one, the other pillars have arrived. Chiaku greeted them enthusiastically. Shinobu greeted back with a smile. Kanroji held her hands and asked so many things from her.
Sanemi unconsciously stared at Chiaku, a faint smile appeared on his lips. His male companions are very quick to notice, eyes widening in disbelief as they did so. Uzui faked a cough and caught Sanemi's attention. The latter snapped out of his thoughts and turned back to scowling.
"I like your outfit, Chiaku." Shinobu smiled. The fairy brimmed as she made a quick turn.
"Thank you! I borrowed Sanemi's clothes and I made few changes. Look! I even changed the characters at the back!"
Chiaku lifted her wings to show the characters that say 'Kiss' which was formerly 'Kill'.
"Hmm!" Chiaku flew in glee and linked her arms with Sanemi.
"We match!"
"You really look like a couple!" Mitsuri happily told the two.
"Did you hear that? She said we look like a couple!"
"Don't sound so happy with something you don't understand! Also get your hands off me!"
Muichirou interrupted, "Kiss and Kill? Is that your new motto?"
Uzui and Iguro guffawed.
"Hah?!" Tickmarks popped on his forehead. Sanemi resisted the urge to punch the youngest pillar on his face.
"That must be it!" Kyojuro laughed hard.
"Ah! I just remembered something! Sanemi and I are going shopping this afternoon. It would be nice if everyone can come!"
"What's the matter Shinazugawa? You want to have her yourself, don't you?" Uzui teased. Chiaku tilted her head in confusion.
"She used all my stocks just to feed you! Of course she has to pay me!"
"Ooohh! That's kind of you, Chiaku! What did you make?" Kanroji asked excitedly. The fairy happily showed the desserts she has on hand. Shinobu looked at the lovely delicacies in awe.
"You knew how to cook? Aren't you a princess? Like with maids and stuff?"
Chiaku smiled guiltily, "Ah, well, I sometimes escape at dawn to meet with my troll friends. They are excellent cooks! I make sure I come back right before my parents wake up."
"Trolls?" Giyuu asked with interest.
"You know? Giant creatures with bodies as tough as rocks. They cannot be touched by daylight so they usually move at night or at dawn."
"So basically they are demons."
Chiaku irked at Sanemi's comment. That's an insult to her friends. "No! They are not! They're trolls. TROLLS, diligent creatures who love to cook and share their meals to wayward travellers!"
"Tsk. Whatever. These guys aren't coming with us later."
"Stop whining!"

Kagaya arrived later that morning and introduced the said fairy to every member of the demon corps who all seemed to be entranced by her. Sanemi felt a pang of jealousy whenever he sees her smiling at them. Kagaya also informed them that a group of mizunoto cannot come in the morning as there are tasks prepared for them but they might still see them in the afternoon much to the fairy's delight. Kagaya dismissed the other members, leaving only the hashiras.

"Tanjiro and his friends were asked to inspect the forest where Sanemi, Obanai and Shinobu found Chiaku. Something strange has happened and they will be reporting back this afternoon."
"Don't worry, Hime-sama, it's nothing bad, I believe. And Sanemi?"
Sanemi looked at his master, slightly puzzled.
"I heard you will be visiting the village this afternoon."
"Yes, Oyakata-sama. I plan to do some...things."
Kagaya chuckled on his somehow vague reply. "It would do you good if you will be more honest with your feelings, Sanemi."
"Uh... Hai?"
Shinobu laughed softly at his somehow very awkward reply.
"I must retire soon. I'll see you all again tomorrow."
"Please take care Oyakata-sama."
The hashiras bowed down as Sanemi stared at his master's retreating form in confusion.

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