Chapter 13

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Kagaya walked slowly, his wife, Amane, supporting him. There's a soft roar behind them.
"Oyakata-sama! Amane-sama!" The pillars rushed to protect their master and his wife from the beast that is lurking behind them.
They all halted on their steps when they heard Chiaku called to it. The said beast who seemed to be only following Kagaya and his wife jumped towards the fairy.
Sanemi and his fellow pillars were all surprised, all eyes widened in shock when they finally saw the beast up close. It is a huge creature that can probably swallow someone as big as Gyomei whole. It has bright blue eyes, white fur and black stripes.
"Ah! That thing is huge! It's going to crush her!" Tanjiro exclaimed. The yokai children trembled in fear as they hide themselves behind the pillars.
Suddenly the beast shrunk itself, looking more like a tiger cub. Chiaku catched it and laughed as she twirled it around.
"I'm so sorry minna, this is Yuki, a celestial white tiger also known as Byakko. I met him few years back when I just turned 80."
"Hah? 80? Aren't you an old hag?"
Tanjiro and Zenitsu hit Inosuke hard for that comment.
"No, she isn't! Can't you see, pig? Besides, Hime-sama looks so divine!" Zenitsu exclaimed, grabbing Inosuke by his shoulders, ensuing another fight.
Chiaku sweatdropped and smiled awkwardly. The white beast purred on her leg. "What are you doing here, Yuki? How did you find me?"
Yuki responded with a cute meow and rubbed its head against her leg.
"So what now? Will there be more creatures to come? If they all come popping up, it will be difficult for us to slay demons."
Sanemi gave Chiaku a sharp look. The latter responded with a hurt expression.
Yuki went towards Sanemi and purred on his leg. His expression softened a bit.
Chiaku snickered causing Sanemi to blush slightly. He stood up and looked away abruptly. The kids went to his direction, all fingers pointing at him.
"Nii-sama, your face is red!"
"It is so red!"
"Like a tomato!"
"It's red, nii-chan aho!"
Sanemi gritted his teeth, putting his fist on hair. "The hell you're saying brats?! And who are you calling aho!"
The children shivered at his dark aura and ran to hide behind the fairy.
The wind pillar scoffed. "You should keep those children in check. They have no manners."
"Stop acting like a tsundere Shinazugawa."
Sanemi glared at the serpent pillar, veins popping on his forehead.
Uzui chuckled and shook his head. Muichiro looked at the wind pillar with an uncharacteristically amused expression. "He's right and you really looked like a tomato... Nii-chan aho."
The pillars laughed at the teasing causing him to fume in anger once again. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke, trembled as they tried not to laugh and keep their composure. The wind pillar is no joke once angered. He could kill, literally.
"I'm going to kill you...".

Kagaya and Amane laughed at the commotion. "It seems to be that Yuki actually went to find its master."
His wife smiled as she holds her husband's arm. "I have never seen such magnificent beast until now. You must be blessed Lady Chiaku."
"Reo used to say that he wanted to tame the celestial tiger. I can see now that he isn't the destined one." Kagaya spoke softly.
Chiaku hummed in reply. "Well, my father has a scary face. Any beast will run away from him."
Kagaya laughed uncharacteristically. Mitsuri blushed at sight. It is very rare to see their master react that way despite the fact that he always smile.
"For once, I shall agree with you, young lady. Hmm, does it remind you of someone?"
Chiaku tilted her head then gasped in sudden realization. "Sanemi!"
"Hah?! Are you trying to get me mad, Reindeer?!"
"No! Not at all! It's just, I think you're really cute!" Chiaku covered her mouth quickly. An abrupt silence filled Kagaya's garden.
"Shinazugawa is anything but cute." Tengen muttered.
Sanemi tightened his fist, glaring at the fairy but light pink dusted his cheeks.
"I think Shinazugawa is cute since he likes ohagi." Tomioka said all of a sudden. Those present spluttered in laughter while the water pillar simply looked at them with his usual poker face. Sanemi gritted his teeth in annoyance.
"Tsk! Whatever! I'll take my leave!"
Shinazugawa bowed at his masters. "Forgive me, Oyakata-sama. I am going to miss today's meeting after all."
Shinazugawa spoke briefly as he stormed off, leaving Chiaku slightly guilty.

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